Working to Save and Heal Humanity

Select Your Area of Interest

Looking For Enlightenment?
Are you on Earth for a reason?
Are you living your true purpose?
Are you making your life count?
Is there more you can do?

Interested In Healing?
Are you or a loved one struggling?
Do you want to be a true lightworker?
What if there were a solution you could apply to any problem? Team Wisdom is saving and healing humanity.

Seeking Hidden Truth?
Is today’s world the way it should be?
Are secrets being kept we should know?
Are hidden forces running things?
Are things getting better or worse?
You decided to come here and you all stood in line eagerly to do so because this is the highest of service. It is the most exalted use of your divine origin and capability because this has the potential for such a tremendous divine expansion compared to all the other doings throughout the entirety of the universe…
Allowing the love of others to wash over you and embracing it is the greatest gift above all else, because it nourishes two souls. It is the honoring of the self and a sacred duty to the self to let in love and bask and revel in it. By doing so you honor and value the giver of love, which raises them up as well.
You have choices before you and so that is a freedom you still enjoy. It is very precious and is not to be taken lightly. The implications are quite dramatic and quite serious. You have a glorious future or you have annihilation. You will choose one of these. It may be quick or slow, on either side of the equation. But those are the two potential outcomes. So the destiny of humanity is totally up to you.
You are in charge. You always have been in charge and you always will be—in the human plane on your planet. It belongs to you. It was designed for you, and it is supported for your benefit. If others take it away, it is because you let them do so.
The extraterrestrials are not affected by human love and will simply roll over it. And their technology will prevail because the physics make this so…Who do you think will win in a physical contest?
Much of the detail and much of the useful applied knowledge to empower humans has been subverted.
Consciousness pervades everything and exists everywhere and is within and without, all that is.
Nothing is wasted here and the greatest of tragedy works to your advantage in the end. You know this as conventional wisdom as well. It is much the same as developing calluses so you can do rough work with your hands without injury. The same is true spiritually, in taking on the darkness. If you succeed in prevailing, the learning you gain will stand for all of time and prepare you to take on any challenge in the future.
Every living thing is a creation. The process of evolution is a creation itself. It is a part of the design, the grand design, the fulfillment of Creator.
There have been many acts that you would call special creation where large changes in life were brought together all at once, and this is true for modern humans…
Without the human request, nothing will happen.
People are misled into thinking that they are here just to serve love and love alone, and only the idea of love, and not to be involved in anything negative because that would not be using love or involved with love, and so is not something to be chosen. That is a corruption and a misdirection in its own right.
This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail.
It is never the case that people come in to be a replica of the one before them, but always to springboard from their example and take a different trajectory to a unique personal expression.
Many ideas for organisms were borrowed and repurposed to create new organisms along the way that have no linear relationship, nor did one evolve from another. This is a false idea and is yet another example of mind control manipulation to keep the scientific community focused on a secular explanation for the wonders of creation being solely a random creation of matter rubbing against matter and things happening as a consequence.
Karma is more vast than you can understand. It is as simple as memory and as complex as multidimensional interpenetrating universes existing simultaneously. Karma is, in essence, the flow of soul’s experience; it is the sum total of soul’s experience and is always expanding.
Our weekly webinars touch on all aspects of life, bringing new Divine Wisdom to the planet:
It’s hard to contain, let alone put into words, the gratitude and joy (not to mention the urgency) I feel when I think how lucky I am to have discovered Get Wisdom. To be getting not only what I feel in my heart is true information about what’s REALLY going on in our world and universe, and why (as well as corroborating lots of other research I’ve done on my own, filling in missing puzzle pieces), but also the TOOLS to make a significant CONTRIBUTION to healing and saving Humanity, is really quite incredible. Whether it’s the spiritual arena, deep healing, metaphysics, the Deep State, UFOs or ExoPolitics (all of which I’ve always been fascinated with), all threads are elegantly woven together within Get Wisdom. Not only that, but here is a growing community of like-minded, incredibly talented, insightful, intelligent, dedicated, courageous, funny, good-hearted people from all over the world, who are pretty much on the same wavelength, who “get it,” AND are more than willing to roll up their sleeves to work hard and smart, together, taking daily action, as a loving and supportive TEAM—actually it feels more like a FAMILY—to learn, discover and create new ways to help fix our problems as we proceed, when, as it turns out, time is of the essence. Do you know how GOOD that feels? To no longer settle for just sitting in the peanut gallery, “watching the show with our popcorn,” as so many contemporary “Truther” or “Disclosure” communities are wont to do, but to actually begin to seriously probe into and understand what the REAL extent of our problems are, their true origins, AND get the tools to fix them?! And then set about DOING just that?! I ask you: What more important way could there possibly be to spend the rest of this precious life you have?
Since finding Get Wisdom and especially the information that Karl Mollison brings forward about Source Creator/God and the Divine Realm, I have re-established my connection to God, a connection that I lost over the years but which I had quite strongly as a child. Learning about how the divine realm really works and how our universe functions doesn’t just make sense on a cognitive level, but it also sparks a deep knowing-a re-remembering of this-on an intuitive level. Then a process of reconnecting to God is initiated which becomes a very personal journey of re-establishing that relationship and connection, and as one’s level of belief is regained and increases, so does proof of the existence of God and the divine realm, which manifests in all sort of interesting ways (as answers to your requests and questions) which are very personal to you. So, life and existence then becomes mystical and miraculous. Miraculous especially as you start to experience and see the effects of the healing that The Lightworker Healing Protocol brings about. The greatest impact that Get Wisdom has had on my life is that it introduced me to the healing modality The Lightworker Healing Protocol which is, I now realize, know what I came here to do. So I have finally figured out my life’s purpose and it is a huge relief and an honor and a joy.
The healing that was initiated by my very first session has resulted in me finally resolving the lifetimes-long issue I have had with alcohol addiction, along with all sorts of other issues I had, like subconscious negative self-talk, which has renewed my joy at being alive in this (unfortunately) difficult reality. I have really never been happier than I am now. It is no exaggeration to say that the Lightworker Healing Protocol saved my life. Had I not come across it, I would have stayed on my old path, which was a destructive one that would not have allowed me to find my purpose in life, why I came here, which I discovered while learning the LHP. I cannot say enough good things about it, but the only way to know if this works, is to try it yourself. Be brave, take that step into the unknown, you will not be sorry. I wish everyone who reads this, luck and love on their journey in life, wherever it may lead them. With love and respect
“The Lightworker Healing Protocol is the most effective healing modality I have ever come across! My search is over and so is yours! I am an Akashic Records Healer, Reiki Practitioner, Massage Practitioner, with training in Zpoint, Breathwave, and Ancestral clearing. I have found that my clients and myself did receive healing from these other modalities, but not at the same level. There are many amazing healing modalities out there for specific issues, but none that cover all the underlying issues like LHP does. I would recommend everyone take the LHP course, or get a session done! Not only have I done many sessions on myself but I have also done sessions for my regular clients that I have massaged for years, and all of my clients have noticed a huge difference in the way they feel. We all feel more clear in our minds, more at Peace and calm with life, more energetic and productive, and the physical pain leaves our bodies quickly when we overdo it. We are all so grateful for The Lightworker Healing Protocol!”
The planet that we live on seems to have a dramatic mix of incredibly positive and beautiful aspects and profoundly negative ones. What if I would tell you that originally it was not supposed to be like this and this system was hijacked? A lot of things would finally make sense wouldn’t they? Our entire health and political system, how the media manipulates our decisions and many more systems, are used to diminish us as humans. This is not a reason to be scared, but we must be aware in order to be able to look for solutions. A lot of people are waking up and are finally opening their eyes and hearts, to bring the truth forward. Get Wisdom has been to me a lighthouse in the storm, that has guided me through beautiful experiences and has made me understand so many questions that I had, including but not limited to: Why have we not evolved as humanity in such a long period of time? Why have we not made an official, recognized worldwide contact with other civilizations? Why are so many things hidden from us? Why is there so much suffering on the planet? Why do our health, political and economic systems seem so deficient? And on top of that, there are a lot of misleading conspiracy theories, that appeal to individuals who understand that there’s something not quite right, and unfortunately get guided to paths that lead to nowhere. I have been misled in the past multiple times, “wasting” years of my life false or incomplete paths. And that’s another element of the puzzle; most organisations that seem “on the right path” actually deliver divine truths and that’s why you can feel that you resonate with that and keep consuming their information. But those divine truths within time, get complemented with smaller pieces of information, for the only purpose of misleading the person to a path of no growth. So one of the most important things that I have learned recently with Get Wisdom, is that it is fundamental to discern from a true source or a corrupt one. The first interviews done with Source Creator, explained in detail this phenomenon and invite us to think about the differences and possible consequences of engaging with a false source, compared to a true source. It is a very thin line that we must be aware of all the time. We keep growing and learning together, making it a collective effort for having a better future. So far, I feel that this is my path and I hope that it will be yours as well.
I have been deeply into the world of conspiracies as a truth seeker for about 5 years now and I have spent many hours researching all aspects of nearly every alternative topic you can think of. I have also fallen into all the New Age traps that are out there, especially the saviour programming which included believing that good ET’s are coming to save us from the cabal that is destroying our world. Also, that there is a secret group of ‘’white hats’’ who are going to bring this cabal down and free us of its enslavement. But in the 5 years I have been following these narratives I have never seen any of this manifest. In fact, things have only gotten worse geopolitically and much darker energetically. This disparity always made me uncomfortable and uneasy which is why I kept searching and it was only when I started learning the real truth of our situation through Get Wisdom that it finally made sense and I had a kind of ‘a-ha’ moment and I thought “ok, THAT’S why everything is such a mess.’’ Again, this was a re-remembering of something I knew deep down to be true, at a soul level, and it was only when I started listening to the channellings and other information on Get Wisdom that it brought all of this up in me again and it connected many of the dots that remain unconnected in the other narratives out there. As distressing as it can be to learn about the truth of our situation, Get Wisdom also provides the solution to help us out of it, so not only does it give us unadulterated truths, it is also incredibly helpful and hopeful.