Free eBooks on Looking For Enlightenment

How to Empower Prayer
“Creator gives us recommended prayers for all occasions, explains why some prayers fail, and shows how to create prayers that get results.”

New Age Practices Divine or Dangerous?
“New Age thinking is perpetuating the inaction and complicit surrender to the fate of humanity being engineered by interlopers.”

Overcoming the Problem of False Channeling
“Creator reveals why most channelers have been corrupted by imposters giving sweetness and light as disinformation, and how to guard against it.”

Creator Speaks:
An important NEW message for Us
“Creator explains who Creator is, and answers the four biggest questions asked throughout the ages about humanity and the purpose of life.”

Creator Speaks:
Ten Divine Principles For Living
“Creator has given us an amazing update of the Ten Commandments, a set of guiding principles for how to live on a divine path in today’s world.”
Paths to Enlightenment
The Creator tells us we are all spiritual beings, an extension of divine consciousness—we yearn for a higher purpose. Our lives aren’t disorderly or chaotic caricatures: they are meaningful and fueled by divine wisdom and principles. We decide our paths through free will, and once we’ve explored for awhile, we return to the divine path—because we discover on our journey that the divine path is the only right path to enlightenment.
More and more, people are waking up from their deep slumber of ignorance to reconnect with the divine truth and return to the Creator’s plan as they seek spiritual enlightenment. We know the plan because the Creator has explained it, through channeled answers to hundreds of our questions as we venture on the path to enlightenment. And it isn’t just questions and answers: we have a reservoir of knowledge that includes never-before known things about divine wisdom and spiritual enlightenment. We have new divine teachings to offer, and are always happy to help those genuinely looking for spiritual enlightenment.
Every individual has been put on earth with a specific purpose and living up to that potential is a privilege and a duty we have to ourselves and the people around us. The path to enlightenment can be lonely, frustrating, and incredibly challenging—but it’s also fulfilling. Individuals who are looking for spiritual enlightenment may feel like everything they know is on shaky ground as they separate fact from fiction, but in the end, it’s all worth it as you come to realize the weight of truth. You have so much power within your being and the best way to use it is by looking for enlightenment and growing through that.
You have a crucial role to play in saving and healing humanity, and are needed more than ever before! You can start with our free eBooks on divine wisdom and enlightenment, and go through our database of new divine teachings. And remember: the Creator can teach you new ways to unlock the great power in prayer, and help you get on the path to enlightenment.

You decided to come here and you all stood in line eagerly to do so because this is the highest of service. It is the most exalted use of your divine origin and capability because this has the potential for such a tremendous divine expansion compared to all the other doings throughout the entirety of the universe…
Allowing the love of others to wash over you and embracing it is the greatest gift above all else, because it nourishes two souls. It is the honoring of the self and a sacred duty to the self to let in love and bask and revel in it. By doing so you honor and value the giver of love, which raises them up as well.
You have choices before you and so that is a freedom you still enjoy. It is very precious and is not to be taken lightly. The implications are quite dramatic and quite serious. You have a glorious future or you have annihilation. You will choose one of these. It may be quick or slow, on either side of the equation. But those are the two potential outcomes. So the destiny of humanity is totally up to you.
You are in charge. You always have been in charge and you always will be—in the human plane on your planet. It belongs to you. It was designed for you, and it is supported for your benefit. If others take it away, it is because you let them do so.
The extraterrestrials are not affected by human love and will simply roll over it. And their technology will prevail because the physics make this so…Who do you think will win in a physical contest?
Much of the detail and much of the useful applied knowledge to empower humans has been subverted.
Consciousness pervades everything and exists everywhere and is within and without, all that is.
Nothing is wasted here and the greatest of tragedy works to your advantage in the end. You know this as conventional wisdom as well. It is much the same as developing calluses so you can do rough work with your hands without injury. The same is true spiritually, in taking on the darkness. If you succeed in prevailing, the learning you gain will stand for all of time and prepare you to take on any challenge in the future.
Every living thing is a creation. The process of evolution is a creation itself. It is a part of the design, the grand design, the fulfillment of Creator.
There have been many acts that you would call special creation where large changes in life were brought together all at once, and this is true for modern humans…
Without the human request, nothing will happen.
People are misled into thinking that they are here just to serve love and love alone, and only the idea of love, and not to be involved in anything negative because that would not be using love or involved with love, and so is not something to be chosen. That is a corruption and a misdirection in its own right.
This must never be forgotten, that the human has the power to prevail.
It is never the case that people come in to be a replica of the one before them, but always to springboard from their example and take a different trajectory to a unique personal expression.
Many ideas for organisms were borrowed and repurposed to create new organisms along the way that have no linear relationship, nor did one evolve from another. This is a false idea and is yet another example of mind control manipulation to keep the scientific community focused on a secular explanation for the wonders of creation being solely a random creation of matter rubbing against matter and things happening as a consequence.
Karma is more vast than you can understand. It is as simple as memory and as complex as multidimensional interpenetrating universes existing simultaneously. Karma is, in essence, the flow of soul’s experience; it is the sum total of soul’s experience and is always expanding.
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I started gradually exploring the Get Wisdom info and then realized that I had been drifting spiritually for over 30 years. I was able to “create my reality” in a very nice and improved way, be a kind person, but this did not help the Human situation in general. I also have intensely studied “conspiracy” ideas and testimonies for the same length of time and the main thing I learned was that I struggled to know what was true and what was disinformation. I have my own memories of experiences related to this and that was all I really knew for sure. The deeper information available in the Subscriber materials has changed my life in the last two months more than anything else in my lifetime. Now many dots are connecting from all my previous learning and it’s all making sense and I have a clear knowing of where I am going and what to do. [name withheld]