When you’re wounded, you seek treatment. Whether it’s clinical or alternative medicine, you know that you must see a professional to find a cure. And when you find the cure, you wait for the healing to manifest.

The real question that you should be asking is whether or not the healer you have selected is the right choice. Healing methods aren’t hard to come by after all—they’re everywhere.

Healing: A Buzzword

Healing is one of the most popular words in the vernacular these days. Spiritual healing, cleansing, therapy—all are being offered by charlatans everywhere. Some of these might be legitimate, but they don’t work for everyone.

a hand held out in the light

Because the root of everyone’s problem is different.

You have psychics and yogis and Sufis all proclaiming their method can heal you. But here’s the question you should be asking: heal from what?

What are You Healing From?

The word (and concept) of healing doesn’t exist in a vacuum. If you’re getting healing services from someone, you need them for something: a wound or some sort of disconnect. A wound to the spirit doesn’t lead to outright pain, but you can feel it.

There’s only one way of finding out if your spirit has been dealt an injury of sorts, and it’s this: you begin to feel an inner connection to something—but you don’t know why. You feel an inexplicable longing and yearning—but you don’t know for what. You want to go back somewhere—but you don’t know where.

a skull sits on a thick book, signifying something ominous

There’s a word for this: angst.

Angst and Healing

Angst is an interesting word because it can’t be exactly described—just like the feeling it symbolizes. There’s something missing when you try to define it.

This concept is one that people from many cultures have explored in great depth: from the Sufis in the Muslim world to the German Romantics, such as Schlegell and Schiller. Frenchmen like Rousseau have also engaged with this concept.

The term was first brought into the mainstream by an existential philosopher and thinker: Kierkegaard. In Kierkegaard’s work, angst or dread is described as a paradoxical feeling: a desire for that which you most fear.

Anguish is another such feeling, and another concept explored by existential philosophers: it is the feeling of being in a world that does not have absolutes. In other words, it’s also called existential despair: when you don’t know if anything even matters anymore.

For the German Romantics, it was a loss of origin—Romantic poets such as Keats and Byron followed the same idea. For the Sufis, it’s a feeling that arises from being away from the Creator.

It is angst that you need healing from—but how is one supposed to heal from such a wound?

How Healing Actually Works

a man sits atop a mountain

Healing doesn’t work like magic: you won’t just click your fingers and find something healed instantly. This isn’t Hogwarts, and there are no athelas plants in real life. Even in the spirit realm, healing is a process, roughly divided along these lines:

  • Progression
  • Journey
  • Emergent process
  • Shift evolving

Whatever approach you take, you will first progress slowly. You will explore areas you had never explored before. It will, eventually, become a journey. Once you have been on this journey for long enough, you’ll emerge from your earlier uninformed state. It’s a gradual evolution that can’t be brought upon entirely on its own.

Healing on the outside is a surgeon’s work. Healing on the inside is the work of the Creator.

Why Do You Want to Heal?

Are you simply jumping on a bandwagon, or are you truly seeking something higher? Is there a purpose to your angst, and are you searching for meaning? Or are guilt and regret eating away at you? Is it depression that you haven’t found a cure for? And what is your method of choice?

Most people immediately turn to their own religions—or convert to others. They feel that only something more powerful than their problems can help—so they turn to their prophets, apostles, and God/s. Others take a more non-religious approach and visit a therapist.

Others still visit energy therapists, wherein a therapist transfers energy from their body to yours—or at least this is what they claim they’ll do.

Often, none of these approaches work. Why not?

It is the Cause

It is the cause that you don’t know. You feel like there’s something wrong with yourself: maybe it’s a sickness or a feeling of general dread. You know something’s wrong—but not exactly what. A body massage or a heart-to-heart with another human being isn’t something that will help in all situations.

Energy therapy and other such bogus methods might be full of sound and fury—but they truly do signify nothing. You must go deeper to find why you feel as if:

  • The feeling of déjà vu you keep getting has something more to it
  • Something or someone has taken possession of you
  • You are not you anymore
  • You want to do something bad to someone
  • You don’t feel joy or mirth anymore
  • You can’t remember long chunks of your day and experience bizarre events

Whether you feel like you have been a victim of demonic possession or feel like supernatural blood is coursing through your veins, you should reach out for help.

And who do you reach out to?

Reach Out to the Creator

Why keep running after worldly cures that might or might not work when you can reach out directly to the Creator? What wisdom could be more profound than divine wisdom?

The Get Wisdom Project gives you the opportunity to ask the Creator a question and be at peace. You can also get in touch with them online. Moreover, if you’re a seeker of hidden truths and want to engage with likeminded people, discussing things like spiritual healing, you can also join the Get Wisdom forum.

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