2020 was cruel—but does that mandate 2021 should be quixotic? We think the planet has had enough of melodrama and misery for a year. What should follow is a turntable of sorts—but can all the king’s horses and all the king’s men put this humpty dumpty of a world together again?

The general sentiment is that of hopelessness. The future looks bleak and black—but is it true that life can little more supply us with things other than to look about us and die? If you get the Pope reference, you will find it fitting that this blog comes to a close on a more hopeful note.

Seek Help

It’s true that we are injured. Over the course of one year, we have lost 1,945,266 souls to a pandemic that’s still raging. And these are just one kind of death—we have lost many more to natural causes, political uprising, radical unrest, war and wickedness, street brawls and barfights, domestic abuse, and more. It is natural to feel that the world holds nothing good in store—how can we conceptualize a beautiful future out of an ugly world?


But that is how things must be. Dwelling on the past will do no one any good. Mulling on misjudgments is a waste of time. It is only through confidence and dedication to make the world a better place that we can have any hope for the future.

For the world cannot turn miraculously and instantaneously good of its own will—it is the collective actions of its dwellers that turn the tables. It’s not the time to react—but to act.

United We Stand

The one thing that we must learn and make one in our hearts is this: where divisions arise, strife follows. For long, our sinister sky-borne enemies have played their hand by striking hatred for man in man—and for long we have followed their lead, unquestioning and unbothered.

It is now time to be bothered—not by fellow man, but by the forces that seek to divide ridges between our ranks. It is time to stand like a wall, and time to act like it.

Together, like Pope said, we beat this ample field. When you walk the wilderness of this world, you will find it through with thimble and thorn—but who is to say you have no help on the way? It is the beacon light of divine wisdom and holy guidance that will light the path and clear the darkness for you.

All you have to take is one step—one step in the right direction: seek the light, and the hidden truth, and the Creator’s support. You will find divine sponsorship docked readily in your bay—all you have to do is walk to the shore.

Do You Have Questions for the Creator this New Year?

Get all your questions answered and all your worries eased. You, too, can ask the Creator any question of your choosing—be it about the fate of the future, the plague that’s threatening us all, or a personal grievance you haven’t had the courage to voice. Find support and sympathy from like-minded individuals on the Get Wisdom forum—from people who, like you, prefer asking hard questions as opposed to quietly accepting conditioned untruths.

Together, we can unveil the bitterest lies and break through the hardest walls of uncertainty. Hope springs eternal in the human heart, after all. The path to future happiness lies between healing and hope.

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