Loss or setbacks of any kind, whether it’s romantic, familial, job or business-related, or just a general slump, can make it difficult and very challenging to be more grateful after a tough time. For many people, it can be difficult to find perspective and change their outlook, making certain situations harder to cope with. However, a little gratitude can go a long way in helping you persevere and come out stronger.

Here are some ways you can develop more gratitude when dealing with the aftermath of a tough year:

Acknowledge what you have right now

A major step to developing gratitude is acknowledging what you have right now. Whether it’s your health, loved ones, assets, or really anything, it helps to reflect and be thankful for the things you have as opposed to the things you’ve lost. This will give you a positive outlook to work with and a lot of important perspectives in a situation, allowing you to step back from the misery and heartache of it, to focus on the plus side.

Start small and slow, working your way up

When you’ve been hurt or suffered losses, it’s hard to stay positive and maintain perspective on things, which is why you will definitely struggle with gratitude from the get-go. Instead of making big claims or expect to be jumping up with joy, start small. Think of one thing you’re happy to have, one habit you can maintain, and one behavior you’d like to modify to improve your current situation.

Don’t expect things to feel perfect right away

Let go of the need or desire for perfection. Things will not always go your way and that isn’t a terrible feeling or experience to have. You will only truly feel thankful and grateful for things in life when you’re able to alleviate the pressure to be perfect and always right. Instead, focus on what you can do, what worked, and maybe what you can do next time.

Work on subconscious channeling and developing gratitude with Get Wisdom today. We possess knowledge of spiritual healing methods that will allow you to clear yourself of negative influences, including extraterrestrial mind control. You can also get in touch with us for the spiritual healing services and clearing work that we do.

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