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Max Spiers Channeled by Karl Mollison 14Nov2017

Max Spiers was a much loved, followed and self-proclaimed Super Soldier, and Satanic Ritual Abuse victim. He was born in Brighton England and grew up in Canterbury, Kent, and Brighton, but also spent time living in Dallas, Texas and Los Angeles, California. He was born to mother Vanessa Bates on the winter solstice, December 22nd of 1976.

He died July 16th, 2016 in Warsaw, Poland under suspicious circumstances. There were claims of drug use, being sacrificed in a Satanic Ritual and that he vomited a black substance before passing.

Karl found that Max had not transitioned successfully and so a spirit rescue was performed on Oct 30, 2017 and Max, the Light Being gives an account of that event here in this channeling.

Max claimed that he was involved in uberman projects with James Casbolt in the UK to create a a super human warrior and breeder and that he had been involved with this since his birth.

Apparently there was also a connection to the Montauk Project and time travel. Max was sometimes nervous and awkward, yet somehow extraordinarily charismatic in many of his interviews. He also claimed to have multiple personalities which is understandable given the Montauk connection.

Max gave multiple interviews and became quite popular amongst the “experiencer” community probably due to his often unassuming and humble demeanor and his apparent and sincere care about many heart-centered subjects commonly not discussed in the popular “super soldier” venues.

These included the Divine male and female paradigms, the natural world and children among others. He claimed to be one of the children from the IBIS program, and that he was a sparring partner with James Casbolt as a child when James and the surviving children were brought over to the UK. Max did talk about being abducted as a child with a screen memory of witches coming into his room during the abduction experience. He was experimented on as a part of a super-soldier program and he explains some of that here in this channeling session.

We invite you to listen to Max’s story from the other side, as a Light Being.

Victory to the Light!

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