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­GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Explains Why Alien Families are Dysfunctional 19Aug2022

  • Do extraterrestrials mate for life, or even marry?
  • Do aliens value the family, which is a central part of human culture?
  • In what ways are extraterrestrial children the same or different from their human counterparts?
  • How do the alien cultures deal with unwanted pregnancies?
  • Are extraterrestrial children raised by their parents, or by the state?
  • Why are aliens unaware of karmic forces that bring former mates back together in other lifetimes?
  • How do alien civilizations control their population?
  • Creator explains why physical extraterrestrials devolved into tyrannical regimes rather than advancing through enlightenment, and how humanity can escape that fate through empowered prayer and divine healing.