Are the Powers-That-Be Going to Use the Pandemic to Amp Up Surveillance?

Are the Powers-That-Be Going to Use the Pandemic to Amp Up Surveillance?

Some think the use of clever technology is, at the moment, the only way to counter the COVID threat. We need to identify infected individuals, find out where they’ve been and who they have met, and put everyone under lockdown. Sounds simple enough, but people have realized that all of this means a lot of snooping around.

The authorities, for example, will need to poke into several private details to determine whether or not you’re a compromised individual. Your travel records and data might not be as personal as you think they are anymore. Major media outlets, from Business Insider to The Guardian, are all raising the same question.

And that question is…

Are Coronavirus Apps Part of a Plan to Monitor People and Control Movement?

With the question of surveillance looming, people aren’t far off from musing about coronavirus apps. In fact, the first of these apps—Google and Apple-based tracing apps—have just been launched. Tracking apps in China have been stirring controversy for a long time now, raising privacy concerns. Closet totalitarian regimes, like India, have also been facing similar problems by making some apps compulsory for employees.

Not unlike some Black Mirror episode, there are governments that are planning to keep these apps permanently—even after the COVID threat is over.

With the question of surveillance looming, people aren’t far off from musing about coronavirus apps. In fact, the first of these apps—Google and Apple-based tracing apps—have just been launched.

This, naturally, is making people a wee bit paranoid. People are curious if this is a part of some larger, mass surveillance program. They’re wondering if apps like these will help control and constrict movement. The central question that they’re asking is this: is there an Orwellian motive behind the development of these apps?

Consequences of the Pandemic

Karl Mollison, by channeling the Creator, had some insightful answers for his viewers regarding a similar question. Here’s what we can tell you about the pandemic: yes, it is designed to be damaging. However, that damaging design doesn’t include a mission to assume absolute control over each individual on the planet.

There will definitely be a lot of changes, though. The general cultures in many places in the world will change as a rule. People will be more careful about meeting other people. Man will now fear man—alienation and social ostracization are both potential outcomes. We have already seen how the pandemic can be used to fuel the fire of racism.

Is the Pandemic a Way to Gain Absolute Control?

Although we don’t think mass control and surveillance are something that world powers are going for now, we can’t deny its plausibility. The prospect of having every human being on the planet in your pocket is one that would entice anyone in power. The forces that are constantly looking to harm all of humankind will doubtless want to benefit from something like this.

It would be a perfect recreation of Foucault’s panopticon: an Orwellian prison in which you are watched constantly—but you can’t watch back. If something like this happens, all of humankind will be jeopardized. Free speech and critical thinking will be under threat. Our existence might be under threat.

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