Webinar: More Immigration Revelations 08July2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: More Immigration Revelations 08July2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

More Immigration Revelations
Karl and Denny dive into more of the esoteric goings-on behind the scenes, that is encouraging and fomenting the great divide over mass immigration. Is there a “divide and conquer” agenda being pursued? More from Creator on how to sort out truth from fiction, and how healing prayer work and wisdom based actions can make a significant difference for everyone.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about more immigration revelations … Webinar: Immigration and the Divine Path 08July2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Immigration and the Divine Path 08July2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Creator Weighs In On Immigration
Mass immigration is one of the most divisive and passionately argued issues of the 21st century. Opinions are not held lightly, and the polarization borders on the extreme. ​​​​​

The issue is a complex one that affects everyone at some level.

Both sides of the debate have reasons for advocating their approach to the problem. One side considers the other insensitive and even cruel; and the other side considers the position of their ideological opponents as naive and even dangerous.

​​​​​​​Creator responds to questions about the issue of mass immigration with a divine perspective that may surprise you, with answers not always anticipated and considered, and a call to action we all will be wise to heed.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about immigration and the divine path …