This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Healing Secret Space Program (MAP) Recruits 12Jan2020

What we’ll cover in this event …

Do SSP/MAP Recruits Undergo Severe Mind Manipulation?
Humans recruited (manipulated or volunteered) for the SSP/MAP (Secret Space Program that Creator calls the Mercenary Army Program) are kept in line by causing fragmentation of the mind into subparts, so that a part of the them can be called on to carry out clandestine work and then submerge leaving no conscious awareness. We explore how this works and how it can be counteracted.

Can MAP Recruits be Deprogrammed?
To save members of the MAP from being further manipulated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance, they must have their programming removed to regain stability and self-control. We will discuss the role of the Lightworker Healing Protocol in bringing to bear effective divine healing.

Are MAP Recruits Managed Between Tours of Duty?
Unfortunately, in the same way US soldiers have always been considered GIs (Government Inventory), those who serve in the MAP are considered alien property and are recallable. If they do forbidden things suggesting they are thinking too freely, they are reined in using coercion of various kinds. Karl & Denny will share case study examples.

What are the Prospects for Preventing MAP Mayhem?
Karl & Denny will share Creator’s feedback about how our healing outreach is progressing in addressing the problems and agenda of the MAP, and our ability to rescue recruits from the adverse consequences of their involvement.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about healing secret space program (MAP) recruits …

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