An Unknown Person offered this definition of stupid: “Knowing the truth, seeing the truth, but still believing in lies.” What is Creator’s perspective?

While this contains many potential and actual truths, depending on the application, it is used as an explanation for something taking place. Here as well, there is deeper truth to be unearthed. The description would seem to be simply someone limited by their stupidity, to not be capable of accepting new information, almost like their brain is full and what was first learned can never be displaced because there is not even room to turn around and make a change. But this description is more than simple intellectual ability under review, it is not about level of knowledge and understanding, but the level of rigidity in being unable to change one’s beliefs even in the face of proof their interpretation is faulty. While native intelligence is always a factor, especially if a situation or issue is complex and nuanced in ways requiring a fair degree of sophistication, and perhaps life experience, to really understand what is involved and see shades of meaning, and so forth, the more serious a concern here is the inability to shift faulty thinking and a belief in lies when they are exposed as such and the proof is in hand and visible.

Many, many times people will continue to believe the lies they have held and will ignore evidence to the contrary, no matter how many times they are told new information that runs counter to their beliefs. This is a frank malfunction and illogical working of the mind to disregard what runs counter to the knowledge base, even when the words and meaning of the contrary opinion are understandable. So the problem here is not necessarily stupidity, it is intransigence, the frank inability to change a belief. People do this on a regular basis all during growth and maturation, and even though people tend to become set in their ways, that, too, is largely a function of outside manipulation to make them more and more rigid and unable to change their thinking because they have been cultivated to be suppressed and subjugated, and “good little prisoners” who will not think outside the box, or even stray beyond their prison walls, even though the latter might be abstract and not an actual physical fortification constraining them.

Mind control programming creates this very state of being, where people believe what they are told by authorities, not because the authorities themselves have presented a logical and convincing case, but because the talking heads are reinforced by subliminal programming going directly into the subconscious minds of the viewers to program their beliefs, that what the talking heads say is true. When an idea is programmed to be accepted, it needs no corroboration or validation, it simply becomes the way the person thinks and they will be unable to override this built-in belief, no matter what they see or hear to the contrary—that is the hallmark of mind control manipulation. If you watch carefully what goes on around you, especially in the media, you will see examples every day of “groupthink” that is truly mind control manipulation being applied to warring factions, who will never come together and find a happy medium because their beliefs cannot meet in the middle, and this is a travesty but an important reason why humanity cannot overcome the chronic problems of society, where things that are mistaken happen again and again, and people and nations perpetuate the same follies over and over throughout history, never seeming to learn the lessons and recognize they are falling into the same trap over and over.

There has been much discussion about the origin of the Reptilians being Draconians from the Alpha Draconis star system of the Draco constellation. Is this truly where they are from or a subterfuge? Are they actually from the Lyra constellation which we’ve been advised is a hidden truth?

You are correct on both of your assessments. The association with the Draco systems is entirely a misguided notion, and that is only because of the naming of that constellation being in alignment with their Reptilian nature, that this was seized upon by many early mediums encountering these beings and wishing to understand them. It was a confusion of the information and a false conclusion that resulted. These beings are indeed from Lyra and they wish to keep this a secret. There are many reasons for this, including the wish to not have any human light beings targeting their system with energy of any kind. They do not wish to have their warriors undermined by a mixed message that might begin to soften their rough edges. They take great pride in their military ways and desire to dominate and control others and anything less they see as unforgivable weakness.

Will the pedogate and pizzagate stories be important for opening up the truth about the secret government cabal?

They will be important and you have seen the handwriting on the wall about this from your interview with Bob Hope, and now looking at the book by Brice Taylor about her being drawn into this vortex. This extends much more widely than anyone still is aware, and will be a very clear demonstration of corruption on a massive scale that begins to look quite abnormal and quite inexplicable, even considering human foibles and the frequency with which people indulge themselves in sexual excesses, and break the rules of society, and their marital vows, and so on.

But keep in mind those, too, are from inner corruption, so it can be on a highly individual level and only affect that individual and perhaps one other person, or it can affect many, many, people and have ripples far and wide in a widening circle of pressures and counter pressures and many karmic layers, when the actions lead to situations where people are compromised, and then this is used as pressure to induce them to do additional wrongdoing or to cover up information, and that leading to other malfeasance. This is the case with the widespread wholesale corruption via sexuality that is part of many organizations and will help people understand the extent to which humans have been forced off track through outside manipulation.

Did we hear the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth from our channeling of Stephen Paddock?

You did indeed receive divine truth in all respects. This was not shaded to protect you or anyone. This was an isolated incident with respect to other human beings, other than their reactions to it and the upsetting of emotions, the triggering of deep, dark, fear and so on, which is to be expected in any mass event. There are always people who are disturbed who will have an outsized response, and there are others who have vested interests to protect, to make things look good and not show weaknesses or flaws. This is what all people are seeing who are wanting to create a conspiracy drama. There was indeed a conspiracy drama, but it was not done in advance through numerous human beings conspiring to work together. This was the act of a lone shooter, distorted and manipulated from within by dark spirits and extraterrestrial mind control.

There seems to be some progress in getting at the truth as discussed in the latest video from the Farsight Institute about the “Reptilian Endgame.” They recognize that there is a significant contingent of two extraterrestrial civilizations in league together and wanting to again dupe humanity into accepting their presence, and predict they will use a Disclosure to start the negotiations with false promises that could permanently subjugate humanity. They described in detail a list of “crimes against humanity” committed over the years by the extraterrestrials, which they felt, if revealed to enough people, would help our governments resist the coming deception. They also explained that there is a great deal of information being actually provided by the extraterrestrials through channelers to deceive their New Age followers. These are all at least partly in line with the channeled information from Creator. Are the remote viewers behind these revelations now able to see what is unfolding more clearly due to the new requests in the Lightworker Healing Protocol to peel back the veil used by the Extraterrestrial Alliance to mask their operations from intuitive scrutiny?

Your assumption is correct that the remote viewers are gaining ground in being able to see with greater clarity and more detail, the operations and planning of the extraterrestrials. They do not have the full outlines of this as yet, or the details and the history you are privy to, not having access to us directly, as they must look at the akashic records and make sense of what they are looking at, and do not have the benefit of full divine support, let alone a verbatim description. As you know, the latter, via channeling, still requires formulating penetrating questions that are cogent and in some way or another relating accurately to the truth of things, at least in a predictive sense, in order to receive confirmation or negation, as the case might be, as we cannot truly lead anyone by providing information beyond their knowledge in what they are envisioning as possibilities. So the work to lessen the obfuscation engaged in by the extraterrestrials to cloak their activities from intuitive reach by seekers of truth, is gaining ground. It simply needs more time and more practitioners to add to the level of intention of the Protocol requests and that will help this aspect as well as the many other points addressed by the healing work.

A viewer asks: “I mentioned to a co-worker that we don’t necessarily need Jesus to reach God because God is already within us. He responded with the scripture that says, “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me.” So he obviously has that belief ingrained due to religion and it is probably really hard to change, especially if he really believes it. My question is, if Jesus Christ really said this, was this his “higher self” talking through him? Was Jesus Christ a channeler? So when he said this, it wasn’t really meant that him, the physical person was the way but that the higher self within all of us was the way. Therefore, none of us can reach God unless we’re aware of our higher selves. Am I interpreting this correctly?”

It is interesting and gratifying to us how close to the truth of things you actually are with this perception. It is very much the case that this famous quotation from Jesus Christ is not meant to deify himself as an object of veneration and worship, but the idea of reaching to the divine in general, as he was doing in all he did as a living, breathing, human being in his incarnation. Christ very specifically talked about God in many of his teachings, as in saying “My father’s house is within” being another quote speaking to the idea all can reach the divine within themselves as a gateway.

An interesting fact few people know beyond your channel, is that Jesus Christ indeed had a higher self he spoke with all day long and that was Yours Truly—he was reaching God directly. That is how he could be so on target, again, and again, and again, in many challenging circumstances when he would do the right thing, say the right thing, and offer the right counsel to many others who sought him out with many troubles and pressing concerns of the day. He was open to all, a friend to all, and a help to all, by turns, insofar as he was able to as a human being with all of those constraints, meaning how long he could work before exhaustion and the need for sleep intruded. So the take-home message here is exactly as you have concluded, not to turn to Jesus Christ alone as the personification of the deity in all respects, but to look at his example and the life he lived, how he conducted himself, and the teachings he gave about love and serving a higher cause, and to use his example as something to pattern after.

A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “Many experiments have been done for a long time and consciousness can be captured…it can be captured and utilized to fuel virtual realities and consciousness can get stuck there for a long, long time.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

This comment refers to something analogous to spirit capture, where human consciousness can be constrained and commandeered from a distance. And this can be either manipulated directly to make some desired behavior take place or, in effect, switched off to be substituted by an extraterrestrial consciousness to take over and, in effect, run the body. So this observation is not new and the description suffers from lack of clarity in what is truly being described, other than a vague hint.

A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “The jabs are not all the same. They are experimental nano particle jabs and not everyone got the same jab. They have found spheres that self assemble. The nano tech science is very, very advanced far more than anyone realizes.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

This description refers to what the marker chips, as we have been describing them to you, actually consist of and in a basic way, how they operate. They are passive, not active. So that antenna being described is, in effect, a kind of transponder that will sense transmissions from an alien craft or physical searchers on the ground seeking to find the location of human beings who have been marked through prior vaccination to have these nanotechnological devices in their system and those marker nanoparticles will return a signal that will be readily detected and can be used to vector in searchers to the exact location where a human might be hiding. There are some variations in the models being used, but the purpose is the same—to tag the recipient for ease of locating them in the future.

A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “If you are vaxxed – those nano particles can organize into an antenna. If you see the vaxxed acting strange it could be that people’s behavior can be controlled. The jabs will have many different functions that they will fulfill.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

This may well happen, but is still in the planning stage. So you are getting what is currently a prophecy and not an actuality in practice as yet. This remains to be seen whether things will get this far and become more complex, but could well happen without a change in planning to forestall the planned annihilation of humanity that would render these materials moot.

A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “There will be more adverse reactions activated by satellites in the vaccinated.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

This, too, is a future possibility and not yet implemented. The decision point to go forward is acceptance of the risk of making an association between vaccination and aberrant behavior or other consequences. Heretofore, the highest priority has been to get the marker effectively inserted into every person possible. The increased ability to control them is done in a variety of means already through existing technologies, so what is being described here would be a new variation on an old theme but has not been put into practice as yet. It is thus a warning and being used as an example that you are in danger and the beings you face have power over you and that much is certainly very, very, true and has been amply demonstrated throughout human history.