A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “There will be more adverse reactions activated by satellites in the vaccinated.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

This, too, is a future possibility and not yet implemented. The decision point to go forward is acceptance of the risk of making an association between vaccination and aberrant behavior or other consequences. Heretofore, the highest priority has been to get the marker effectively inserted into every person possible. The increased ability to control them is done in a variety of means already through existing technologies, so what is being described here would be a new variation on an old theme but has not been put into practice as yet. It is thus a warning and being used as an example that you are in danger and the beings you face have power over you and that much is certainly very, very, true and has been amply demonstrated throughout human history.

A recent Barbara Marciniak channeling of the Pleiadians said: “The vaccination weakens the immune system. There are other things that will unfold that people can’t even imagine at this time that the vaccination will create.” Can you help us understand the truth of this?

There are already a variety of health consequences owing to bouts of infection and to exposure to the spike protein via the vaccines as well. This has not entirely been established in every respect, so there may be more coming with enough research to discern. There is a cause and effect between vaccination and the health issues in question still undescribed. The toll on the immune system is a long-term trade-off that the more people are vaccinated and boosted again and again and again, the more this favors development of a kind of tolerance. And that will lessen the immunity the shots can bring into being because the immune system will be less and less stimulated due to this acclimation with repeated exposure.

Concetta Bertoldi, a professional psychic medium of some repute, wrote a book titled, “Do Dead People Watch You Shower? And Other Questions You’ve Been All but Dying to Ask a Medium.” This book appears to be a remarkable autobiography, and rare opportunity for non-mediums (most of humanity) to read what it’s like to have and live one’s life with these abilities. Not everything she shares in the book aligns with everything Creator has shared with us in the GetWisdom Project, but more so by omission than any statements and revelations that wildly conflict. Like the rest of us, she seems clearly limited by her beliefs in terms of what she can reliably access from the divine realm in terms of deeper truths, but when focused solely on interacting with the dead, and relaying messages from the dead, she appears to be in strong alignment. She referred to herself as, “Just your average Jersey girl who talks to the dead.” What is Creator’s perspective?

Your understanding of her persona is an accurate one. She was indeed down to earth and able to keep her ego under control. That is a quite important asset if one is wanting to be an accurate psychic medium, or channeler, for that matter. It is an important capability for one to be successful at any endeavor. It helps keep the person honest about their ability so they will continue to strive and not rest on laurels unearned as yet but presumed to be greater and more magnificent than really the case. Too much ego puts others off, and rightly so, and will hamper interpersonal relationships in many regards. Intuitive sensing is a delicate perception, it is easily thwarted and compromised if one is too self‑serving or too fearful. There are many pitfalls in receiving accurate information as well as staying safe in opening oneself up to higher awareness when there are many dark forces at work, who will be watching for such an outreach and then will pounce, because it is often the case people invite an encounter with dark beings who will penetrate and possess them as a parasite if they are unaware this can happen.

Her work was focused on talking with the dead because that was a capability she had naturally from birth and was open to see what she could learn from it and, indeed, came to see the value in sharing her observations with others and in being a medium for communication between the dead and the living. This is a very helpful role to play. It is often the case that witnessing paranormal phenomena that is convincing will overcome barriers to belief in higher states of being, and higher realms of being, and higher beings above the human, all of which can add to one’s belief quotient that is all-important in cultivating a divine partnership in life. Without belief, you will be on your own, it is the key to the kingdom, so to speak.

While she was mostly accurate about her perceptions, in a general sense, they were limited, indeed, by her level of understanding and beliefs about what was possible. And also, the meaning of what she perceived and was told was filtered by her expectations and her beliefs as well. This is true of everyone responding to what their senses convey, not a flaw in her character. This is unavoidable as each person is who they are, and not someone else or some composite of what is considered “normal,” as there is no such thing embodied in an actual person. All are facets, very much like a stew, with many differing ingredients, capabilities, and therefore outcomes in all they do. She was not a scientist concerned about mechanistic aspects, nor was she deeply curious about the workings of the divine and wanting to understand more deeply the details about the phenomena she bumped into, so that is reflected in what she saw and understood and was able to relate to others.

A viewer writes: “I recently finished reading a fascinating and important book, The Conscious Universe: The Scientific Truth of Psychic Phenomena, by Dr. Dean Radin. But as interesting as it was, I found myself struggling mightily to get through it. No matter how much sleep I had, or how well-rested I was, after reading only about ten pages, I would suddenly feel exhausted and sleepy. Nevertheless, I persevered and recently completed the book. I was reminded of a time when a friend over breakfast asked me how GetWisdom was going, and within five minutes of asking, the friend was falling asleep at the table! Is this sudden exhaustion and sleepiness a result of mind control manipulation? How can this be counteracted?”

This kind of lethargy, a kind of slowdown and dulling of the mind, is a common consequence of external manipulation, either by spirits onboard the individual wanting to redirect thinking away from something they regard as a potential threat to them, or by extraterrestrials monitoring a person and, while engaged in programming, will notice a perspective the person has about something that is not to their liking, for example, a spiritual orientation, and will seek to redirect them, at least in the moment, to get them off-track, and thus disrupt their efforts, at least for a time. That was what was taking place, they were scanning you and seeing you were engaged in something to probe the deep inner recesses of the mind with the intent to figure it out. This goes against their agenda to keep humans dimmed down and dumbed down, both.

They have thwarted human progress all through human history. It is a wonder you even have science and medicine. In actuality, what you have is what they allow of the potential to be discovered and expressed, and it is the weakest, most impotent aspects because much is hidden from you, willfully and purposefully, and this is one of the ways they do it. People will not keep going, who have a passion for exploration and research and scholarship, if it is too fatiguing or too daunting when their mind is momentarily confused again and again. As they try to tackle something, they will come away thinking, “Well I guess I’m just not good at this. This isn’t my calling. I must look elsewhere to find something more appropriate for me,” and it can be a tremendous missed opportunity, but happens again and again and again to disempower people.

This phenomenon, indeed, was exhibited by the friend you talked with over breakfast about GetWisdom and the spiritual purpose and agenda to bring forth divine wisdom, and it was as though this individual was “switched off” along the way and tuned out because that was literally the case. This is difficult to control when people are so unaware of what can happen and do not see the signs of it coming on. Prayers of Protection, in a general sense, designed to be ever-present and broad in coverage are often the best one can do but, in the moment, where the mind heads and where it chooses to not head is up to the individual, and this is an area where the divine has many limitations in what it can do to jump in and change what you are thinking, literally. So if you cannot see the signs and take some action to quickly request divine help to regain your stability and focus, there may be little the divine can do in the short-term. This is why a greater awakening is needed, to help people understand what they are dealing with in their world so people will come together and change things for the better, working through the divine realm, to end the problem of evil that has you in its grip.

Today’s questions are based on dialogue between anthropologist and author Carlos Castaneda and his mentor Don Juan Matus. This dialogue is found in Castaneda’s first book, The Teachings of Don Juan. Don Juan talked about becoming a “man of knowledge.” He said, “A man of knowledge is one who has followed truthfully the hardships of learning.” “A man who has, without rushing or without faltering, gone as far as he can in unraveling the secrets of power and knowledge.” Many people have also said that “knowledge is power.” We have heard that absolute power corrupts absolutely, but is knowledge of power as hazardous as power itself? What can Creator tell us?

Indeed, the two are not the same. Knowledge of power is a process and product of learning. It is the implementation that can lead to consequences, either good or bad, as the case might be, but the two are intricately intertwined. The purpose of learning is to gain power, to gain mastery over one’s own physical body in being able to move about reliably and adroitly without accident or injury to carry out many manipulations of things in the environment needed for daily living, and to have knowledge within of how to conduct oneself in the company of others to engage in interpersonal relationships for many varied purposes, and to hold one’s own through having a foundation of awareness and knowledge about common cultural things and influences so one does not feel like an outsider and lost in the company of others, not understanding what is even being talked about, let alone having something to contribute to be seen as a member of the circle in equal standing. The very acquisition of knowledge is a key to participating in life, for without it a person will be sidelined by their incapacity.

But all knowledge comes with responsibility. If one acts on information that is incomplete, the odds will go up of making a mistake. If their actions are not in divine alignment but simply based on knowing things that represent an opportunity to exploit others, or take unfair advantage of a situation to benefit the self that comes at an expense to others, such uses of power through knowledge will always incur a karmic penalty that will come back to haunt the perpetrator of these misdeeds, whether big or small. So we would like to see a full definition here be that knowledge is ideally that body of awareness that adds to completion of the being in ways that will help them remain in divine alignment in all they do, so rather than pursuing knowledge as a means to gain power, that knowledge is pursued as a means to attain enlightenment, being the fullest possible expression of the soul, in a balanced way that helps the self with no harm to others and helps others with no harm to the self.

We have learned from previous channelings, that fictional movies can contain a surprising amount of truth and that some screenplays can even be characterized as “divine revelations.” When we consider how little direct communication between the divine and most humans actually takes place, it makes sense that the divine realm would make use of “creative inspiration” to send messages to humanity that have almost no other realistic means of reaching large numbers of people. That said, we have learned that the Star Wars saga is one of the most densely packed divine message purveyors, perhaps ever filmed. Would it be accurate to say that George Lucas was not merely a creative filmmaker, but perhaps even a modern-day prophet? What is Creator’s perspective?

In a true sense, all human beings who are currently awakened to believe in divine truth and be relatively uncorrupted by the darkness are functioning as divine prophets in all they do, for they are portraying divine energy on the march in everything they take on—their thoughts, their feelings, and their agendas. The end product may or may not be lofty, but it will always be seeking something better and in divine alignment, at least in major respects. Granted, we are speaking about a relatively low number of human beings percentage-wise, and that is because of mind control manipulation to make so very many humans complacent and oblivious to the larger truth of the darkness creeping in, and their hold on reality in a world marked by goodness is slipping steadily away. Everyone who fulfills their life mission of doing something to help overcome the problem of evil can justly take great pride in their achievement, for most falter and fall by the wayside or never get started during the course of their lifetime, being consumed by prosaic human needs, and their lack of curiosity results in lack of creativity and a lost opportunity to have new ideas and ask penetrating questions that will lead them to seek important answers, and then the deeper truths will remain hidden and unavailable to those corrupted similarly.

Lucas, in that sense, was a prophet because he was portraying perhaps the most important saga of your age. Like others before, the stories of the Greeks and their fight with the gods, and so on, there are many recurring themes throughout history that have a parallel purpose, and each era has its own level of sophistication and innate ability to understand the message for what it truly represents as a warning about the dangers looming from a would-be conqueror. Your age has out in the open quite clearly an ongoing saga of wrestling with extraterrestrial manipulations, corruption, and potential annihilation. This has happened before and has plagued humanity all the way along, because you have been manipulated by multiple extraterrestrial predators who are now present, running your world as an Extraterrestrial Alliance of Dark Beings.

This story is quite close to that depicted in the Star Wars series of an evil empire traveling about in spaceships to conquer and subjugate other worlds, and a tiny rebellion of truth seekers opposing them and hoping to win out, to serve a greater good rather than the evil represented by power and conquest as an ultimate achievement. So what is being served is truly the divine perspective and hope for you as a species, that you will rise above your oppressors, throw off their chains, and heal them to raise them up from their depravity. So the agenda we have for you is somewhat different than what is portrayed in the motion pictures, but that is understandable, as the more human level perspective cannot think much beyond the idea of warfare, even when done for a lofty purpose and with a lofty kind of energy serving them, as was depicted in the Jedi Knights using the “force” to help protect and empower them against the evil invaders.

She asks: “Is it safe to have this new person who will be in charge of my court supervised visits with my daughter in my home? I’m literally scared of them permeating the perimeter. How can I continue to nurture my daughter and grow our love in what feels almost like a house-arrest type situation? Will the new supervisor be able to eventually see the truth of things?”

We would not count on winning her over and having her see the truth. She will only be observing you and your daughter, and that is not enough to really make an assessment about the past and how things came to be in the current circumstance. If anything, she will be highly prejudiced to watch for trouble and find it if you are not careful. So you do need to be on your best behavior, and your daughter as well, to appear calm and untroubled, especially when she returns home but also during these visits as you will be scrutinized always—that is part of the job of such supervisors after all. Keep in mind, they are being manipulated as part of the targeting, that is why it is so devastating for the targeted individual, that all around them who interact will likely be manipulated to cause harm to the extent possible, given how manipulatable they might be, as the only limitation in what could happen. So under these circumstances, you are lucky to have any friends who see your side of things. Most people cannot resist the manipulations, so change for the better is unlikely given those circumstances. It is simply not in the individual’s control; it is only those people who are in divine alignment, to a great enough degree they cannot be too heavily manipulated, who may continue to be open-minded and trustable.

Does the recent video I was sent, which was produced by a prominent spiritual group, reflect an awakening to the truth of the alien agenda, or is this just a corrupted Disclosure Movement manipulation?

Unfortunately, although it sounds tantalizingly close to your teachings because it is warning about a looming extraterrestrial problem, it is not being done because they are seeing the light, that people are being duped and there is in grave danger from the ET presence. But rather, they are being given the warning as a prelude to disclosure so the coming out party can be presented as an answer for the extraterrestrial dilemma, as they frame it. So the story will be there are good ETs and bad ETs and humans need protection from the latter and must ally with the former to survive. And as you have been told, this will mean that humanity is doomed because people must be allowed choices, and if they choose to line up with the darkness we simply cannot help them. You are participating in a race against time to get the word out. As you know, it is more difficult to change minds and hearts once they have been made up and carved out beliefs about a circumstance. This is human nature and can sometimes work against you, but a fact of life and a factor here in the doability of saving humanity.

A viewer asks: “I assume our souls send out many, many, small soul extensions to try out as many possibilities through parallel lifetimes to weave the thread of life through the tapestry of time and probability to find and mark on the map, the path to success, where the future extension becomes the Now. Is there any truth to this theory?”

The soul can project a number of extensions; this is so, but it will not usually be done within the same environment, such as earth plane, but rather to explore other possibilities through the universe. This is why the divine humans are soul extensions specific to this enterprise that come and go again and again, but remain as discrete beings in their own right because of their lineage and history, being veterans of human incarnation to work on the problem of evil. The future extensions are the Now for those beings present on the future extension that is unfolding. The Now incorporates all—the main timeline and the future extension of that timeline as well as past lifetimes and their discrete timelines and future extensions—but they remain discrete and persist as long as relevant to the intention of the energies of the beings participating in the timeline. So the current timeline, for example, and the future extension never merge, but the first creates the second. If the current timeline ends for a particular soul-based being, that removes the reason for existence of the future extension containing that being, and there will most probably be a curtailment of their future existence because it is being projected from the past into the future. In other words, the future extensions are subordinate to the main timeline.