DWQA QuestionsCategory: MetaphysicsA viewer asks: “I assume our souls send out many, many, small soul extensions to try out as many possibilities through parallel lifetimes to weave the thread of life through the tapestry of time and probability to find and mark on the map, the path to success, where the future extension becomes the Now. Is there any truth to this theory?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
The soul can project a number of extensions; this is so, but it will not usually be done within the same environment, such as earth plane, but rather to explore other possibilities through the universe. This is why the divine humans are soul extensions specific to this enterprise that come and go again and again, but remain as discrete beings in their own right because of their lineage and history, being veterans of human incarnation to work on the problem of evil. The future extensions are the Now for those beings present on the future extension that is unfolding. The Now incorporates all—the main timeline and the future extension of that timeline as well as past lifetimes and their discrete timelines and future extensions—but they remain discrete and persist as long as relevant to the intention of the energies of the beings participating in the timeline. So the current timeline, for example, and the future extension never merge, but the first creates the second. If the current timeline ends for a particular soul-based being, that removes the reason for existence of the future extension containing that being, and there will most probably be a curtailment of their future existence because it is being projected from the past into the future. In other words, the future extensions are subordinate to the main timeline.