Webinar: Are Your Departed Loved Ones Earthbound? 23Dec2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Are Your Departed Loved Ones Earthbound? 23Dec2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

What Risk Factors Can Create Earthbound Spirits?
Karl and Denny will explore the detailed list of risk factors supplied by Creator.

Is Failure to Reach the Light a Divine Judgment?
Karl and Denny will explore whether Creator is on the “hot” seat with this question! Humanity’s obsession with “heaven and hell” centers squarely on the answer to this all-important inquiry!

Can the Likelihood of Becoming Earthbound be Predicted?
The variables that combine to hold a human spirit back from the light are many and varied. Karl and Denny will look at a few profiles supplied by Creator to get an idea about the more common ones.

Can Those Trapped be Rescued – and How?
Karl and Denny will share how the Lightworker Healing Protocol can resolve this dilemma in the vast majority of cases.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about are your departed loved ones earthbound? … Webinar: Why Curses are Real & What to Do About It 23Sept2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Why Curses are Real & What to Do About It 23Sept2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Curses Are Real?
Karl and Brian (Denny was unavailable this week) will share and discuss what Creator says about curses, spells and witchcraft.

How Do Curses Differ From Blessings?
Karl and Brian will share and discuss what Creator says about the differences between curses and blessings. Can “blessings” (done with positive but misguided intent) have a detrimental effect on the target individual?

Who and What Can be Cursed?
Karl and Brian will share what has been learned about the subject of curses. Certainly individuals can be “cursed”. But what about families? Schools? Towns? Nations? or even NFL football teams (The Detroit Lions)?

What Can be Done to Counter and Dissolve Curses?
Karl and Brian will explore this compelling question in depth. Karl will share Creator’s advice on the best, safest way to defeat, heal, and protect against curses and harmful blessings.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about why curses are real & what to do about it … Webinar: Are Natural Disasters “Natural”? 10June2018

This Video Requires a  FREE  Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Are Natural Disasters “Natural”? 10June2018

What we’ll cover in this event …

Would a Loving Creator Devise a Dangerous World?
Karl and Denny explore the seeming paradox of a “loving” Creator architecting a world full of dangers and hazards that can strike anyone, anywhere, at any time. No place on Earth is truly “safe” from the specter of so-called “natural” disasters. Was this truly Creator’s intention? And if not, what happened to change the outcome?

If not Creator’s doings, then Whose?
Karl and Denny go behind the veil to reveal what and who is really behind nearly all cataclysmic disasters. Turns out the answer is not a simple one, and there are many forces at work. These agents are taking advantage of Creator’s “Hands Off” and “Free Will Always Honored” guiding principles to pursue their own corrupt agendas.

Is there any Protection to be Had?
Karl and Denny discuss how Creator and the Divine Realm have actually intervened multiple times to prevent even worse outcomes then dark forces originally intended. Karl and Denny further discuss how Divine intervention is always available to assist in ANY dilemma and difficulty, but there must first always be a REQUEST (via prayer) for assistance. Karl and Denny further discuss and explore the extraordinarily logical and rational reasons this is so.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about natural disasters …