William Tompkins Channeled by Karl Mollison 07Oct2017
There was a man named William Tompkins who wrote a book called Selected by Extraterrestrials in 2015 and then he passed away in August of 2017 when he was 94 years old.
He divulged some amazing and verifiable information about the US Navy, World War II and involvement with various extraterrestrials.
Within what is known as the “Disclosure” community he was both a revelation and a blessing. He was a genuinely nice man who had a tremendous amount of information to share.
The question always remains though, “Did he get everything right?”
This is what Bill said AFTER he passed and as one who successfully transitioned and is now a Light Being. What you are about to discover here was obtained via a channeling session with Bill in November of 2017.
We asked him the following question:
What are the four types of aliens that you were referring to on pages 369 through 371 in your book Selected by Extraterrestrials?
… and this was his answer:
The four types of aliens are—the Arcturians which is the true name for the so-called Nordics. They are from the Arcturus star system and are not benign, they are agents of the Arcturians seeking to be a dominant force in control of the Earth.
That is as stark as we can make it for you, and by that we mean they would be just as happy if we disappeared all together.
They do see us as having value and interest, by the alien Grey beings they created, and this is the second of the types of extraterrestrials of concern.
There are many, many, many of these beings. They are a form of artificial intelligence and they can reproduce themselves, not in the way that humans reproduce. They are not soul based beings so they do not incarnate and reincarnate.
They are manufactured, they are created synthetically as a blend of technology and DNA based biology. So this is a very apt and direct description mechanistically of their make-up and because of their extreme refinement through many, many iterations in engaging with humanity have come to understand people to a highly refined degree.
But they are totally self-serving, they are designed to serve the Arcturians and so are doing that at the moment. They are also developing the potential for independence and that will serve them perhaps but will serve no others because they are quite ruthless and are not love based either.
The third type is the Reptilian, and these beings are more savage and more war-like and are more willing to engage in direct acts of destruction, as they are not as cautious and enjoy a contest, they enjoy a good fight. And they also want to control things and the reason there is not a conflict is that they are all in an alliance together with the original beings who came to the Earth many thousands of years ago, in fact millions of years ago, is the timeline.
And that is the Annunaki, and being first on the scene claimed rights to the planet at the outset. They have worked against humanity and also used humanity, to enslave them and use them for selfish reasons as a slave workforce.
And this is where the others came in and the Annunaki allowed this because they saw some advantages for themselves for the day-to-day management to be orchestrated and overseen by the other extraterrestrial races in a kind of loose alliance. And so this was done for tactical reasons and not intended to be permanent. So there is a cast of dark characters here, they are all dark, they do not have, any of them, a positive contingent. There are a few isolated individuals whose beings are softening a bit through divine interaction in response to prayer requests.
This is what the light beings as a group want to see happen to larger numbers, but so far has not reached a tipping point to help them reach a stage where they are willing to stand down and withdraw and end their dark doings.
If anything, it is tilting the other way in a kind of backlash response to the outreach by light workers attempting to end this once and for all through an upsurge of divine support and the raising up of the entire planet, and the entire human race, and return the divine human to light being status in physical form.
This is how things started out but was undermined along the way. And so that is the sum total of the beings that are here with the exception of an insect-like race who are more observers and a would-be ally but not in a meaningful contributor nor a high-level threat.
Each of the other races of beings are a high-level threat to humanity. There is calm at the moment only because of the counterbalance of forces they represent.
None will act unilaterally without the others. This creates an interesting situation where their very existence as a mixed group creates a kind of inertia that serves humanity by not having things come to a head.
This may not always be the case.