Alien Agenda Update 12May2024

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Divine Perspectives – Alien Agenda Update 12May2024

  • Yet another update to Alien plans. New questions accumulate each month.
  • Learn from Creator what has happened and what, if anything, has changed.

New Divine Healing Insights 07Jan2024: Overcoming chronic anxiety via our protocols; Breast cancer viral origin and healing; Merits of the LHP-DSMR Protocol vs. meditation; Karma prevents career launch; Help for seeing and hearing inner demons; Divine healing for greater energy; Divine help and a supplement for back, joint, and muscle pain; Odd companion animal behaviors explained; Cause of misophonia; Karmic origins for loss of mobility, stomach issues; Blocks to miracle healing; Past life slavery symptoms.

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New Divine Healing Insights 07Jan2024

Divine help shared:

    • Overcoming chronic anxiety via our protocol
    • Breast cancer viral origin and healing
    • Merits of the LHP-DSMR Protocol vs. meditation.
    • Karma prevents career launch.
    • Help for seeing and hearing inner demons.
    • Divine healing for greater energy.
    • Divine help and a supplement for back, joint, and muscle pain.
    • Odd companion animal behaviors explained.
    • Cause of misophonia.
    • Karmic origins for loss of mobility, stomach issues.
    • Blocks to miracle healing.
    • Past life slavery symptoms.


The GetWisdom Events Calendar is provided for member convenience to allow preparation for upcoming webinars and livestreams. Note that all times are given in CENTRAL STANDARD TIME (CST) equivalent to UTC -6. Contents may change without notice.


Creator Discusses Recognizing and Changing Faulty Beliefs 27Oct2023

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Creator Discusses Recognizing and Changing Faulty Beliefs 27Oct2023

  • Despite the often intense and chaotic public discourse, are we also witnessing widespread, engineered complacency that tolerates it?
  • Does our complex and mysterious nature stem from having differing and conflicting beliefs on multiple levels of the mind?
  • Can the divine realm be asked to change deeply held but faulty beliefs despite our free will to have chosen them?
  • Does use of censorship reflect an inner weakness from personal discomfort caused by an outside challenge to deeply held beliefs?
  • Creator explains how faulty beliefs, even those of psychopaths and those causing delusions of severe mental illness, can be changed through divine intervention.

Alien Agenda Update 15Oct2023

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Divine Perspectives – Alien Agenda Update 15Oct2023

  • Aliens are always working behind the scenes to harm humanity. Now they have something specific in mind.
  • Learn from Creator what is being planned that you need to know.

New Divine Healing Insights 08Oct2023: Preventing future fatal accident saves group of children and others, Causes and help for menopause symptoms, Osteoporosis and dental issues from viral infection, Detoxing rebound from chronic virus infection, Risk to care givers of spirit attack, Helping loved ones cross over, Help for timid cat, Divine-inspired dream work, Troubled adolescent manipulated.

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New Divine Healing Insights 08Oct2023

 Divine help shared:

    • Preventing future fatal accident saves group of children and others.
    • Causes and help for menopause symptoms.
    • Osteoporosis and dental issues from viral infection.
    • Detoxing rebound from chronic virus infection.
    • Risk to care givers of spirit attack.
    • Helping loved ones cross over.
    • Help for timid cat.
    • Divine-inspired dream work.
    • Troubled adolescent manipulated.

Creator Answers Questions about Ascension Preparation 21Jul2023

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Creator Answers Questions about Ascension Preparation 21Jul2023

  • Can the interlopers controlling our world be persuaded with divine help to leave for an extended period?
  • Would all three of the main races comply with an agreement to have a shared vacation interval?
  • Would a total withdrawal be possible, or involve a still-present garrison of overseers?
  • Would the robotic Greys be left behind to continue their abduction and impregnation of humans?
  • Will the interlopers try to block our ascension?
  • Can the ascension prophesied for millennia now, finally come about and allow our escape?
  • Creator explains why extensive divine healing is a necessary condition for ascension to happen, even if we get a window of opportunity.

A Deeper Dive Into the Incarnation of Humanity

people at a train station

For years, decades, and even centuries, humans have pondered over the significance and purpose of human incarnation. Why do we live multiple lifetimes? Does incarnation benefit humanity in the long run? Or is it a mere inconvenience? In this blog, we’ll help you get a good grasp on why human incarnation occurs and what it’s indicative of.

Human Incarnation: The Basics

The incarnation of humanity is to serve the expansion into the physical realm of the divine human. You were created to be an extension of Creator in a bold, new way—to have freedoms that have not been granted to any other living organism.

The human has been created as a projection with free will and free agency in a total and absolute sense. This is a bold, new undertaking that comes with tremendous responsibility as well as opportunity.

The purpose of incarnation is to grow, expand, and overcome the opposition that is mounted to hold you back in this quest. This has been done time and again through the colonization, oppression, exploitation, and subjugation of races that were perceived to be inferior, weak, and undeveloped.

According to Creator, “All who come down are choosing to enter this fray and be of service to the light in some way, to keep things going, to keep hope alive and to contribute to overthrowing the oppressors.” This, precisely, is the purpose of incarnation.

The Search for Healing

Out of the 423 or so lifetimes the average person lives, they frequently get the short end of the stick. This shouldn’t be considered an unfortunate event. Instead, it should be perceived as a reminder and an opportunity to heal. It is unfortunate that very few people are given the knowledge and awareness of the means for healing of their karmic burdens.

This is the next great wave of insight that is poised to spread more widely—the means of true healing. These means been denied for many, many centuries. There are many paths to healing, many tools available, many means to accomplish it, but there needs to be further insight, awareness, and refinement in using these tools.

Recommended Read: Creator’s Insights Into Incarnation

How Can I Get Started?

Utilizing the tools, means, and pathways of healing is imperative. Neglecting these insights is akin to entering a workshop with all the resources and instructions you need to repair a car, only to leave without so much as touching the vehicle. You have been provided a wealth of knowledge and guidance for a reason. Make the most of it.

At Get Wisdom, we can help. Our Lightworker Healing Protocol sessions are designed to help you heal your karmic wounds and dark spirit attachments. Request a session to get started. You can also explore our wisdom webinars, podcasts, and channeling interviews.