Dr. Karla Turner Channeled by Karl Mollison 10Aug2017
Karla Turner Ph.D., was a college instructor, author and abduction researcher who broke new ground in the world of UFO investigations starting in 1988. Her work inspired others who also collected and researched firsthand accounts and eventually came to unpopular conclusions about the Alien Agenda. She lived in the great state of Texas.
Her three books: Into the Fringe (1992), Taken (1994), and, with psychic Ted Rice, Masquerade of Angels (1994) chronicle not only her own personal and family member experiences, but also of others brave enough to come forward and subject themselves to questioning, hypnosis and regression therapy to reveal interactions with apparent non-human entities.
These accounts combined to form a picture of beings who are cruel, manipulative and remorseless. Many of their victims suffered with confusion, terror, rape,sleeplessness and other unexplained medical conditions.
Throughout her relatively short career of investigation and assistance to these unfortunate abductees, Karla maintained a steadfast commitment to the truth and respect for her subjects. This established her reputation and she attracted other abductees and researchers to the cause of understanding and spreading the word regarding this overlooked and marginalized phenomena.
In her book ‘Taken’ she wrote: “In spite of what some prominent abduction theorists tell us about avoiding thinking in terms of ’good and evil’ or ’positive and negative’ when it comes to the aliens, this cannot be done, nor should it be. For these women, for my husband and myself, for all abductees, knowing that we have been made a part of this agenda and that we have been implanted, trained, and programmed to participate in some future scenario, how can we not ask to what purpose our minds, bodies, and souls will be used?”
She eventually and apparently ran afoul of great powers and she was diagnosed with an aggressive form of breast cancer that took her life on January 9, 1996. This is a similar fate of those who were boldly telling the story from combined narratives, careful research and personal experiences. She was only 48 years old.
We are happy to report that when Karl checked, Karla had successfully transitioned and she was in the Light.
She was eager to speak with us and her undaunted spirit shone through in this epic and outstanding channeling session.
God Bless Karla Turner!
Questions for Dr. Karla Turner
1) Dear Karla I would like to thank you for your work while you were here and paving the way for other researchers who are continuing with research similar to yours on the alien contact phenomena, so with that would you please say whatever you think is most important at this time.
2) Is there a line of inquiry that would be most beneficial for the purposes of alerting the general population to the true nature of the human situation?
3) Is there anything in the Light Being narrative so far that deserves clarification?
4) What could Karl and I do that would foster a faster and more effective disclosure scenario?
5) What was your most significant discovery with respect to your incarnation as Dr. Karla Turner upon returning to the Light?
6) What, if anything, can you tell us about your next incarnation?