Is My Child’s “Imaginary Friend” an Extraterrestrial?

Is My Child’s “Imaginary Friend” an Extraterrestrial?Anyone who was born in—or who has lived through—the 80s knows what a phenomenon the cult classic Showtime series, Twin Peaks, was. The show got canceled after a dismal second season, but came back 25 years later.

In Twin Peaks: The Return, the lead character, Agent Cooper/Dougie Jones, could see lights floating in the air—and these lights were being projected by “Mike” —a benevolent extraterrestrial—to guide him.

But why are we telling you this?

Has Your Child Ever Spoken of A “Friend” or Floating Lights?

The non-classifieds call them “hallucinations” of a child’s mind, but we know better. We’ve heard far too many accounts that are similar to think otherwise.

Many children, while growing up, often speak about an imaginary friend. This friend often has a name, given to them by the child. We think that this is just a case of the child’s imagination running amok.

But the truth is much stranger.

As adults, we are less perceptive than our children. Children, with their open hearts and receptive minds, often become the targets of sinister forces (and even benevolent ones in some cases).

Beware: Children Can Form BondsBeware: Children Can Form Bonds

A client who sought help from the Get Wisdom Project had an interesting—but not unusual—story to tell. She remembered how she had, as a child, felt extremely sad all of a sudden, and in this state of melancholy, she had sprinted to the window, while crying the entire time. When she got there, lights outside seemed to move away from her—up the street.

It sounds like something out of a movie, doesn’t it? Karl Mollison, a healer and researcher, however, has heard far too many tales like this one. Many children report seeing moving lights in the sky.

The children, in these cases, were very clearly abducted for the purpose of observation. Love feelings had been implanted within her, and in the aftermath, she was feeling sorrow due to the separation. The sad truth is that it is just a manipulation.

The Young are Vulnerable

The case of our client correlates with many other cases that we have had to deal with. When naysayers mock these cases and say, “what alien abductions? We have never been abducted,” they don’t know that adults are less likely to be abducted—although there are many cases, and that memories of such encounters are suppressed.

Children, as opposed to adults, are far more susceptible and vulnerable to the feelings that are implanted inside them.

As a result, the child can feel the formation and the fostering of a strong bond. Such a bond is increasingly hard for people to let go of—harder still if the person happens to be a child.

What to Do

If you think there’s a “friend living under your child’s bed, don’t waste any time and get in touch with us at Get Wisdom right away. It could be a case of extraterrestrial abduction.