DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial AbductionsA client asks: “I can remember while in grade school years, many, many, times suddenly being awake in my bed looking out of the window that was above my bed with a sad feeling of loss. The sense of loss was so profound. Then all of the sixth grade I could barely function believing people could read my mind.” What caused these feelings?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This was from a repetition of the alien abductions. So the feelings of closeness and love they sent into you as a manipulation, not as a genuine caring, stirred up and re-echoed the prior experiences while even younger in having an encounter with the aliens. You were being used and manipulated in the bargain to be complacent and even to miss your captors and yearn for their return. This is a manipulation of the mind entirely when the opposite reaction would be normal—to be in fear and suspicious of something done to take you bodily against your will at great distances from your home base and do various things to manipulate you, some quite painful. None of this is normal nor permissible in a free society where people have dominion over their own physical body. Children, in particular, need to know they are safe and that their body is a sacred gift and not to be trifled with by outsiders for any reason.