DWQA Questions › Category: Higher SelfFilter:AllOpenResolvedClosedUnansweredSort byViewsAnswersVotesAre talented creative musicians channeling their higher selves to bring in talents from prior lifetimes, or perhaps other beings like angelics, former performers now in the light, etc.?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Higher Self71 views0 answers0 votesTo what extent are performers with extraordinary musical talent actually partnering with a divine-level being during shows and concerts?ClosedNicola asked 2 months ago • Higher Self84 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “It was discussed earlier how invoking our higher selves specifically creates personal advantage to some degree above and beyond making requests directly to Creator. In a similar way, would invoking the help of our vastly powerful oversouls be similarly advantageous by virtue of additional personalized focus on our 400+ incarnations?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self274 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “I have gathered that we have one higher self that manages all of our incarnations, because the Pleiadians, through Barbara Marciniak, once suggested that is the situation, but that may not be correct.” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self316 views0 answers0 votesAll the awareness and focus by the New Age Movement on the higher self has created an image of it being a lofty source of all we need. Yet, being part of the self, even though residing in the divine realm and able to communicate with Creator, that implies the higher self is more a helper and assistant. Is it more like another level of our consciousness than being a separate conscious entity? Can you give us a tutorial of the higher self’s place in things, its role and duties, its strengths and limitations?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self268 views0 answers0 votesA practitioner asks: “Is the higher self truly in between a person and their soul? Or is the higher self a separate soul extension we communicate with, kind of on the side, like it is a twin soul extension, as depicted in her drawing?”ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self276 views0 answers0 votesMax Freedom Long was a researcher and author of numerous books on the Polynesian religious and belief system known as “Huna.” What he has revealed in his writings can help shed light on a number of human spiritual mysteries. One aspect that received a lot of attention and focus is the triune spiritual structure of the typical human being, consisting of “low self,” “middle self,” and “high self.” Long wrote in his book, What Jesus Taught in Secret: A Huna Interpretation of the Four Gospels, “… the original secret taught that these three parts of the ‘mind’ were not parts of each other, but three separate things or selves which were joined in the closest possible association in man. Jesus even taught that the light self was so close and intimately attached to man that it might be called the God Within.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self265 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “One of the outstanding parts of the secret was the knowledge that only the subconscious self had the ability to use telepathy, and as all prayer had to go to the superconscious (higher self) TELEPATHICALLY, the prayers had to be made into thought forms and given to the subconscious to transmit to the superconscious (higher self). The making of a [prayer for a miracle] was based in large part on this mechanism.” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self281 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “The subconscious self, and it alone, has the ability to manufacture from the foods we eat and the air we breathe our basic vital force or power. Once made, it stores it in the body for use, and shares it with the conscious mind self, who may be said to live as a guest in the bodily house, and who has little to do with the bodily processes. The superconscious self (higher self) must also be supplied with the vital force if we ask it to work with the dense materials of the lower plane of living and make miraculous changes in matter or simply make the ‘answer to prayers.'” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self240 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “… the conscious self is involved in the process of prayer, in that it makes the thought forms of the prayer and instructs the subconscious to send VITAL FORCE WITH THE TELEPATHIC PRAYER TO THE SUPERCONSCIOUS (HIGHER SELF).” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self201 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “If the low self does not desire to have a prayer answered, it will not do its part in the work and effort is useless.” Also, “If the low self fears the change of the new, it will block the path.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self231 views0 answers1 votesLong wrote, “The High Self is said to lack mana (or vital force or life force energy) because it has no physical body, and to depend on the low self for what it needs in its ordinary activities when away from the lower man. When we are asleep it is supposed to touch us and take a little mana (or life force energy), but for the heavy changes needed to work in the materials of the dense or physical world, much mana (vital force) is needed.” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self225 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “In Hawaii when the missionaries arrived, the kahunas marveled that they made their prayers with no careful preparation ahead of this, and especially, without the slow and deeper breathing to accumulate mana (or vital force) to send with the prayer when it was put into words. They shook their heads and said, ‘These people are without breath, and their prayers are without mana (or vital force).’ Thereafter the white people became known as “the breathless ones,” or ha-ole, which means ‘without breathing.'” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self255 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote, “In Huna we learn that we attract evil spirits to us only in and to the degree of our own evil.” What is Creator’s perspective?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self262 views0 answers0 votesLong wrote about the kahuna interpretation of Christ’s crucifixion. “His weakness had been self-righteousness, the cardinal sin of the highest spiritual level. He had been held back by his desire to enjoy the fruits of his labors.” His pride had betrayed him and “laid him open to obsession by certain spirits who were evil because they forced on him the emotions of pride which were their own besetting sins in life. … As the curtain falls on the last scenes of the drama of crucifixion, all seems to be lost. And on the cross the man who had worked miracles called on the Father for help, and his prayer was cut off – it was not delivered and not heard (because of the blocking done by evil spirits obsessing him. Having gained unnoticed entry on account of the build-up of personal pride during his ministry). He suffered the most agonizing of deaths.” What can Creator tell us?ClosedNicola asked 2 years ago • Higher Self244 views0 answers0 votes