DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfLong wrote, “If the low self does not desire to have a prayer answered, it will not do its part in the work and effort is useless.” Also, “If the low self fears the change of the new, it will block the path.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
It is correct that the low self, or subconscious levels of the mind, can have their own perspective and agenda and may not be on board with a conscious desire to pray for something in particular, but they are not the gatekeeper for what the conscious self desires to happen in terms of communication, so we will always hear what the conscious mind wants to tell us and ask of us. Where the possibility of competing and discordant agendas becomes important is that if all levels of the mind are not in harmony and holding similar intentions, this can limit the extent to which a prayer can be answered, so what this means is the subconscious levels of the mind do hold some power to limit divine intervention if they are opposed to the undertaking. It is very common, in fact, that the subconscious mind becomes heavily corrupted by dark spirit attachments. There is also much programming of the subconscious mind by extraterrestrial interlopers via your technologies. Whenever you are watching a screen, a television, a cellphone, or a computer, for example, there will be communication beaming to you to alter your beliefs and emotions on a subconscious level. This complicates your life because you will be living with competing interests and agendas by different parts of your being, and the danger is that the views of the darkness might win out through the persistent presence of these corruptions in thinking that will filter up to the conscious level and begin to bias you to accept something unnatural that will work against your best interests. This is why people are typically in warring camps, each of which might have diametrically opposed views. This is not natural because truth is truth, both camps cannot be right, but the ability to hold a strong ideological perspective in the face of evidence of its faultiness constitutes a kind of brainwashing that has taken place. All people are a mix of truth and untruth in the form of fixed beliefs that are programmed in through exposure to such influences. This is a massive healing need and opportunity to bring yourself, as a being, back into harmony and divine alignment. For that to happen requires rooting out bones of contention, points of friction, illogical conflicting beliefs, and especially many negative self-limiting beliefs that diminish your sense of self to feel unworthy and powerless. Your world is being subjugated, and this is the main way it is carried out, corrupting your mind to turn against you.