DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfLong wrote, “One of the outstanding parts of the secret was the knowledge that only the subconscious self had the ability to use telepathy, and as all prayer had to go to the superconscious (higher self) TELEPATHICALLY, the prayers had to be made into thought forms and given to the subconscious to transmit to the superconscious (higher self). The making of a [prayer for a miracle] was based in large part on this mechanism.” What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This description captures the essence of the issue of communication with the divine level, that at best it is only a whisper that is only possible to do intuitively, but it has the issue stated in a backwards fashion, that what limits the creation of a robust, easily discernible, and accurate conversation with the higher self is not that the physical human is unable to reach it other than telepathically via the subconscious mind sending an intuitive message. The higher self hears your thoughts with total clarity every moment regardless of what might be happening and the state of your energy. The problem is on the human end in receiving clear messages with understanding of their meaning and intention unfiltered and unaltered and in total rather than a fragmentary impression, which at times is all that gets through, particularly if someone is under stress, and that can come from a state of chronic anxiety and not just circumstances of the moment when there might be competing outside sources of stimulation wanting your attention, for example. In actuality, any time you pray, both the higher self and Creator will be aware of it, as well as your spirit guide or guides, as well as guardian angels, because a petition to the divine realm is a petition to the divine realm. Who you petition will govern who can answer, so if you make an appeal to a religious figure, such as Jesus Christ or Mohammed, they must handle the request and God will stand aside. If you make a petition to God, the Almighty, Allah, in whatever form you believe is the highest and holiest, it is that ultimate being who can then weigh in on your behalf with much greater power to change things for the better. This is why we have told your channel that when people use prayer, or simply want higher sources of support, that they make an appeal that always includes Creator, even if they have another figure or figures they have befriended and hold as personally important in their way of thinking and doing things, to interact with sources of wisdom in the light. That gives you the greatest range of possibilities in having your desires acted upon fully and with the greatest level of intelligence, ingenuity, and capability to make things happen for your benefit. This is especially important when others are involved in bringing about a change that benefits your life. There are many rules of engagement in terms of altering the free will of others, and so on, so the highest level of authority can work to your advantage. We have recommended, through your channel, that people make appeals both to their higher self and to Creator because the higher self has a special duty to serve you that is uppermost in its awareness and desire, whereas Creator must serve all beings equally, and in divine matters it is very much the same as the physical plane, that two heads are better than one. The other reason to make an appeal to the highest level, or include the highest level among a group of beings you wish to have help from, is that the size of the problem you need solved might be truly enormous if it is based on a long history of karmic trauma from many lifetimes as is fairly typical of humans at this point. You have all lived so many lives, and done so little healing along the way for all the bad things that happened you are truly coming from behind, and every difficulty has become a monumental task because of the backlog of unmet need that has piled on. So even a current life situation will often be seen by the Law of Karma and many old problems will be added on top because they resonate, and energetically are so similar the Law of Karma will see your new problem as an opportunity to address a broad issue of like circumstances, grievances, failures, or victimizations, so having the most divine firepower working on even a small problem is a good idea.