DWQA QuestionsCategory: Higher SelfLong wrote, “In Huna we learn that we attract evil spirits to us only in and to the degree of our own evil.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This can be seen as literally correct in a broad philosophical perspective, but it is unduly harsh to the ear of the average person, who already might be feeling vulnerable and on the spot when scrutinized by Creator, in terms of fearing judgment and blame for failures and misgivings and doubts and poor judgment at times, and so on, the many frailties and foibles of human existence. Where this is literally correct is in the sense that if you are in perfect divine alignment, holding your space with a high spiritual vibration, you can become impervious to the influence via attachment of spirit meddlers who would seek to drag you down and rob you of energy, and thus undermine you in various ways, and in some would be heavily corrupting and even capable of tipping the person into mental illness. Perfection is a very high standard indeed. Most people are somewhere on their way to a state of enlightenment, meaning to be not only in the know but healed and have no inner vulnerabilities. At this point in time, all human beings are walking wounded and often to a considerable degree. We do not judge people when they have struggles and might be vulnerable to attacking spirits, who gain a foothold, and then begin to carry out a campaign of terror to undermine that person. They work in very covert and insidious ways at first, because they can talk to the deep subconscious, and carry out severe bullying and torment a person consciously, who will be completely unaware of this, even as their being is in the process of alteration and further weakening to undermine them. This can lead to all kinds of problems. First of all, anxiety, and then various associated symptoms like sleeplessness, poor job performance, troubled relationships, and even destructive impulses at times that get a person into trouble. There is an almost endless list of mischief dark spirits can cause. We do not judge. We want health, happiness, and safety for all. The best solution for this risk of existence in the physical plane is to stand strong by being in divine alignment. You will get that way by engaging with effective healing strategies to repair karmic liabilities that make you vulnerable and work to change many types of energies within the being which add to strength and resilience and a defense from outside intruding consciousness. That can be done, in a general way, through using Empowered Prayer, but much more powerfully through using the Lightworker Healing Protocol to work on shoring up your defenses and healing the backlog of unhealed karmic trauma you carry.