Creator’s Perspective on Hypocrisy 30APR2021


GetWisdom Radio Show - Creator's Perspective on Hypocrisy 30APR2021
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Creator’s Perspective on Hypocrisy

How out of alignment and harmful is hypocrisy? Is being hypocritical following an Anti-Golden Rule? Is hypocrisy both in alignment with and caused by the darkness? Is the cynical projection that one’s hypocrisy is no different than what others do a valid excuse or a trap? How commonly is hypocrisy of people due to a serious personality disorder? What are the consequences of parental hypocrisy on their children? How does Creator see the level of hypocrisy in politics and the consequences? Creator explains the tools we need to contend with hypocrisy, and what is at stake if we don’t.

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Social media “trolls” and bullies are truly an epidemic. Often these are people who would never be so bold and derogatory in person. It seems every echo chamber has its self appointed “bouncer” who sees it as their job to drive away anyone who brings a dissenting opinion. Rather than engaging in a thoughtful discussion of any kind, they “go for the jugular” and call the opponent every name in the book. No amount of character assassination is too much, and even family members sit back and sometimes even cheer on the “bouncer” as they ravage a family member—something they would probably not be a party to in person. This from people who fancy themselves as highly opposed to any kind of overt bullying. Can Creator comment on this apparent hypocrisy?

“Hypocrisy” is a good term for this kind of behavior. When people become self-righteous thinking their opinions and their views are the absolute truth of things and then disparage others who differ in their thinking because they are perceived as flawed and of lesser substance and value, that is truly a judgment which goes beyond having different ways of looking at something by applying a lesser value to someone with a different opinion, and then acting on that judgment to punish them in some fashion with exclusion or, at a minimum, some excoriation to make clear they are an intellectual lightweight or suffering from some kind of moral defect. Most such exhibitions of dominance through presumed superiority of one’s opinions are simply ego in action where people have too high an opinion of themselves and their innate wisdom, and in that inflated view their self-confidence gives them license to criticize and even demean others who aren’t as informed and knowledgeable and astute as they believe themselves to be. That is using their intellectual perspective as a kind of power play to consolidate their loftier status at the expense of the other party. This is not only hurtful to their victim but it actually tarnishes their own soul because when confidence becomes arrogance in its expression it is a diminishment of the individual and is a karmic misstep that will require a rebalancing and a repayment in some way because the consequences will always hurt everyone involved. This is true of all misconduct—harming others harms the self even more grievously.

So these are not trivial concerns. This is an important aspect in the art of living. To ride herd on one’s baser instincts and truly envision what it is like to walk in someone else’s shoes before making a critical comment, when people agree to disagree and are willing to let go of the argument eventually to, in effect, live and let live, that is a good outcome from a confrontation because it recognizes many basic truths that are divine. People are different; they are intended to be different; they are made to be different and they will be different. To force agreement with oneself on another is a misguided notion to begin with. There are times when people support falsehoods and that can be damaging but that can be pointed out in a calm, deliberate way but with due regard for the rights of others and a basic human respect for people being themselves and on a unique path. So even though they might be behind you in their learning and have a narrower perspective, you were there once yourself and have no right to criticize them about being faulty. There are kinder and gentler ways to share greater knowledge without condemnation and judgment.

There was a career panhandler in a big midwestern city that would hold a cup at the same spot every day and say “Help the HomeLESS!” He’d been doing this for years – even decades. A fixture almost as much as the light post he leaned against. Turned out, he wasn’t truly homeless at all, and shared a rather expensive apartment with another career panhandler. When asked about the apparent hypocrisy, he said simply that he rented rather than owned, so he wasn’t really lying. The problem is this individual and his partner help to reinforce the impression that many if not most homeless were not in the dire straits they appear to be in. What is the divine perspective on this type of career?

This is clearly an example of someone taking advantage of the goodwill of others and their generosity and in the same action creating potential harm down the line for others who may not receive an act of charity when in desperate need because too many people they encounter have been burned by a kind of predatory panhandling situation that left them cynical and unwilling to be generous ever. So there will be multiple layers of negative karma resulting from taking advantage of the good intentions and compassionate feelings of others through a subterfuge of this kind, pretending to be in need when one is not. This will certainly have negative consequences down the line. They will not get away with this act of dishonest representation. They will pay a price. The people they fool into donating money may be harmed in the sense of giving away something of value to a person who is unworthy and simply wanting to exploit them, but they will nonetheless gain good karmic consequences because their act of generosity will be on record and will come back to them with a reward of some kind in the future.

Gangsters in the 1920s were notorious for rubbing out their enemies during the week and then tithing significant sums to the Catholic Church on Sunday. To an onlooker, this seems like the highest of follies—was it? What is the divine perspective on this kind of overt hypocrisy? Did this behavior have some mitigating value?

We understand many people will expect a large “no” response here, but we can tell you that karma is dispassionate. What will happen though is that the actions they take and the reasons behind them will factor in how karma parses the events in question and assigns responsibility or benefit accordingly. So what we would say is, the donating of funds to a charitable organization will count as a positive karmic contribution because that, in a sense, is a separate act in and of itself. However, the expectation they hold, that this will be a mitigating factor in their karmic misdeeds, causing deaths of others and other acts of criminality, will not stand. They will not be off the hook simply because they have been a nice person one day a week. They will get some benefit from being that nice person, even though it might be done in a cynical fashion, they are still carrying it out and, in that respect, they are fulfilling the role they seek to be a part of and even though done with a mixed motive, it still counts.

So in the sense that not being wanting to cause harm, but being involved in harmful events incurs a karmic penalty, wanting to do good for personal gain to some extent, if it still does good, will accrue a karmic benefit to the individual. It might not be of the same quality in total impact as one done with a clear conscience and through a strong heartfelt desire to be compassionate and giving, and beyond that, if done on the part of someone who is making a personal sacrifice to maybe give away something of great value because it will help others and they incur a self‑sacrifice in the doing, that will have a greater karmic benefit for them in the future. So we are simply saying that karma will sort all of this out and it will lie as a benefit somewhere on the potential spectrum of good deeds, but they will not gain what they cynically seek in getting a pass from Creator to overlook their misdeeds. They will have the full karmic consequences of every act of wrongdoing to answer for in their future.

How Can I Strengthen My Faith and Increase My Belief Quotient?

a woman praying in her living room

As a person who has recently undertaken the journey towards divine healing and enlightenment, you may feel like your faith isn’t as strong as it needs to be. This is a common, natural, and inevitable thought among people who have recently started to explore the hidden truths of the world and become the best version of themselves.

Fortunately, there are many ways that you can strengthen your faith and increase your belief quotient. In this blog, we’ll break down the basics to help you get started.

1. Reach Out to the Divine

a woman reaching out to the divine

As a rule of thumb, we always encourage people to get into the habit of reaching out to the divine. When this is done frequently and habitually, it feels natural and is fully embraced with the expectation of it being beneficial. This, in turn, increases the person’s belief quotient as there is less inner resistance.

According to Creator, “You will not feel silly, you will not feel foolish, you will not commence the exercise with hesitancy and doubt in your mind. These things will likely happen if you are rusty or lack prior experience in reaching out through prayer.”

This is the benefit of having rituals, as elucidated by Creator. It makes one comfortable with the undertaking. As a result, they don’t feel self-conscious and hesitant. Each of these feelings can decrease the intention you are adding to the moment.

“When prayer is free and easy, it will be more powerful because you will not be constricting the intention and limiting the divine response, which must always be in proportion to the intention of the request,” Creator continued.

Recommended: The Power of Personal Partnership with the Divine Realm

2. Pray for Support and Assistance in Developing the Aforementioned Skill

a man asking for guidance to strengthen his faith

While reaching out to the divine may sound like an easy and straightforward process that comes naturally to people, this isn’t always the case. This practice needs to be cultivated with thought, assiduousness, presence of mind, and a strong belief in the divine.

As stated earlier, doubt and hesitancy can make the prayer less meaningful. These feelings can also prevent the person from fully exploring and committing to their faith.

According to Creator, “One of the most powerful ways to cultivate greater belief and thereby the effectiveness of prayer requests is to pray for support and assistance in developing this skill.”

However, one must have the belief in order for it to be possible in the first place. They must start somewhere, and this is the perfect starting place because it’s local. To clarify, you’re seeking help for the self (yourself), not for other individuals, groups, or even humanity as a whole. You’re simply asking for personal assistance to become better at prayer.

Even if you have numerous doubts and feel that your worthiness is somewhat shaky, you can still get divine support to some degree and build on it with time, practice, and commitment. It will get better and things will improve over time.

“If you continue to go to the well, you will continue to get a reward, and it will grow over time. In this way, you can work your way up to becoming very powerful in your reach and assisting your divine alignment in very meaningful ways that will pay many, many dividends,” Creator continued.

As in all things, practice makes perfect. If you ask for a divine answer and to be shown evidence that the divine is hearing you and can acknowledge your outreach, these will be granted if there is sufficient belief in place.

Recommended: Is Eliminating Hypocrisy Necessary for Divine Healing?

3. Cultivate the Power to Develop a Stronger Intention

a woman praying for the ability to develop a stronger intention

There is another way you can practice and create an open-ended possibility of receiving a divine outreach that’s personal to you and a kind of miracle in the bargain. Such experiences are extremely helpful for self-encouragement and belief expansion. They help people feel reassured and confident that they’re on track and the possibility of divine recognition and assistance can be a reality for them personally.

“There’s no limit to what you can request, but there are constraints going from the small to the large in scope. This only means that a large need may require a large request, so it may take many prayers to achieve,” Creator elucidated.

This is simply part of the way the world is constructed and how energies behave. Each individual has a certain energy and an energetic reach; they must work within these boundaries. They can grow in a way that the physical body can be trained to accomplish greater feats.

“One can train the mind and heart to reach higher with stronger intention, greater clarity, and purity of intention, all of which increase the power of prayer,” Creator continued. This is a skill that’s worth cultivating because there’s no end to the variety of applications available to you to improve your experience as a person who’s seeking divine healing and enlightenment in this world.

Recommended: Prayer Analysis with Karl Mollison

At Get Wisdom, we offer spiritual healing services to help you heal your karmic wounds and overcome spirit problems. We also help you learn more about the extraterrestrial agenda and other hidden truths of the world. Join us today to get started.

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We know the interlopers are too far gone to save themselves and need human rescue in partnership with the divine in order to have a future. Just as “the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single footstep,” might the road back from depravity begin with a simple longing: “Wouldn’t it be NICE, if we were less hypocritical?” Do any Extraterrestrial Alliance members today have these thoughts? When healing begins, will this be the first sign of progress?

This is a perceptive analysis, that the ability to see the problem is often the first step towards its resolution. For the most part, humanity as a whole is blind to the reality they are being manipulated by external forces of darkness that are wholly depraved in their makeup and their intentions, and are imparting that to the human realm through their manipulations and this manipulation is growing more successful by the day. Someone must have a moment of clarity and call into question the illogical nature of the ongoing hypocrisies, and in seeing something that makes little sense and calling it into question is pointing towards a potential betterment—that is possible to see happen if appropriate action is taken.

So that, indeed, is how things will begin to turn around when there is more and more of an awakening, individually and collectively, among people who come to realize how bad things truly have become and decide “enough is enough” and then begin to speak out against the hypocrisy and demand a tangible course of action from their leadership to change things for the better in a meaningful way, and not a superficial way that is basically another hypocrisy. Most so-called solutions are a surface-level window dressing that might spend a lot of money but accomplish little that is of true value, and will not change the status quo, and may in fact make it worse. There needs to be a deeper insight that helps people to have a clearer view of a divine perspective to sort out what is right and what is truly wrong. Even though the latter might be a well-entrenched ideology or custom, if it is not working, it may need to be questioned and something new and different put into motion.

The unfortunate reality is such changes are needed across the board throughout society on every level and within every human institution because all human institutions are deeply flawed and heavily corrupted, all of which is covered up with layers of hypocrisy that maintains the illusion that society is working and even advancing when in fact the opposite is the case. The trappings of civilization are a trap—the seemingly greater power and reach provided through your technologies are at the same time a disempowerment by making you dependent on a cyberinfrastructure that is quite fragile and can easily be disrupted or corrupted so that everything could collapse at once and leave humanity helpless. The many, many problems will need many, many solutions, and only by peeling away the hypocrisy keeping them in place can this have a chance of happening on any kind of meaningful scale.

Can Creator share how prayer work and the Lightworker Healing Protocol help everyone, human and non-human alike, become less hypocritical?

The answer for hypocrisy is a return to divine alignment. When people are in alignment, they will see clearly when something is fair and just that promotes a balanced fairness and true equality of values and what is not. When people have been corrupted, their judgment will be faulty. They cannot be expected to enact a balanced approach to much of anything because they will be inevitably biased and limited by that corruption to be insensitive to what is faulty and complacent about many things that fall short. This will create much inertia and freeze in place a standard of living that is mediocre at best and even steadily worsening with no one raising an alarm. What is needed to break free, to open the eyes of people so they can begin to see the outlines of what is wrong and what might be needed for the betterment of humanity will require much healing. This can only be done with divine help; humans simply do not have the wherewithal to do this entirely on their own—they are in too deep, they are too corrupt, they are too limited in their perspective and too biased in their judgment, and too heavily conditioned to expect the worst in things and be complacent when it happens.

Everyone can participate in turning this around and solving the problem of evil that underlies all that is wrong in your world once and for all. The corruption is succeeding because people are disconnected from the divine and do not appreciate what this costs them. They are allowing themselves to drift away from any kind of spiritual practice and losing their way in the bargain. Your very being and existence depends on the Almighty for your creation in the first place because you are literally a portion of divine consciousness allowed to be a free agent for a time as a new initiative to expand the possibilities of the universe. What you do with that freedom and the power inherent within you by virtue of this lineage will be determined by your choices, that is what freedom means, “You are on your own to do as you choose.”

People do not have the wherewithal or the knowledge to choose wisely in most respects nor how to go about building and exercising the virtues of a partnership with the divine that is required to get back on track personally and collectively. The place to start is with prayer. We have given you a series of recommended prayers to cover the bases of all that is needed for humans to become happy and successful, to empower themselves, stay protected, and receive divine guidance, healing, and protection. Through prayer, you can make the most of this divine birthright. Without it, you will flounder and you will fail. We cannot save you unless you ask to be saved; that requires your belief in us and your belief in your own worthiness to receive divine support. If you surrender to the ignorance and complacency of your current world, you are doomed. Only those who seek help will get it. If enough fail to do so, they will end up going down with the ship along with all the others who are lost.

To make this more likely to be successful, the very best you can do is to have work done on your behalf with the Lightworker Healing Protocol or learn to use it yourself because it will provide a lifelong tool to work on all that is going on with your karmic history that hinders you and set it right. It will also work in parallel on the interlopers who manipulate the world, you included, that is the very most important first step. If the perpetrators can be healed, this will remove the biggest impediment to your success and happiness. If the interlopers can be persuaded to withdraw and leave you alone, for the first time you will be able to make rapid inroads with healing on a mass scale. The Lightworker Healing Protocol is ideal for this and it will catapult you to a better future with a tremendous expansion; it is what is needed to create the actual likelihood of an ascension to raise humans into a higher dimension altogether.

Your destiny can be either with the darkness or with the light, the choice is up to you. We have given you the tools you need to make the highest and best choice to line up with the divine, raise yourselves up through healing to once again come into divine alignment. That will require our help and assistance for you but it is doable. Your power lies in the ability you have and the standing, as a birthright, to request divine assistance. All of the religious people around the world through all of history have been encouraged and enticed by the divine to seek our assistance because it is sorely needed. That has been partly successful but there has been too much corruption to disempower the religious people to fully appreciate they must do more than simply worship the divine, they must worship themselves enough to ask for divine help to make them and the world a better place and build their faith once again that the divine is real and there to help them. This is a battle you can fight and win within the privacy of your own mind and heart—it is up to you to make it happen—relying on others will lessen your chances of your own survival.

Why Socialism is Designed to Fail in a Human Society

One sometimes gets the impression that the mere words ‘Socialism’ and ‘Communism’ draw towards them with magnetic force every fruit-juice drinker, nudist, sandal-wearer, sex-maniac, Quaker, ‘Nature Cure’ quack, pacifist, and feminist in England.

So said George Orwell—a socialist, mind you—in The Road to Wigan Pier.

What exactly was George Orwell trying to say here? Was he a misogynist? Some have made that claim, although it is perfectly laughable. In the same text, it says that Orwell has made a mockery of the middle-class socialist whose hypocrisy he critiques in their inherent, deep-set animosity for the working-class and yet at the same time desiring to be seen as one with the working-class. When a socialist himself begins to point out problems with an ideology he himself subscribes to, you know there’s going to be so much more.

The Big Question: Are Socialism and Communism the Same?

These two ideologies are often used interchangeably, and treated as such. They are similar in the sense that both philosophies are pertaining to economy. Both vouch for public ownership of goods as opposed to private ownership. Both philosophies emphasize the creation of a human society that is more equal and devoid of class-based distinctions.

The difference lies wherein democracy enters the equation: socialism is more compatible with a democratic form of a government as opposed to communism, which almost always leads to authoritarian regimes. The latter has all of history standing behind it—as well as George Orwell’s works. If you have read Orwell’s 1984, it shouldn’t be too difficult to visualize how a society that operates on forced equalities and no allowance of basic liberties works.

Democratic socialism allows for public interference and some private enterprise as opposed to communism which is an extremely political ideology. We’d try explaining why it would almost always fail, but we think another socialist telling you the same would hold more weight.

It’s over to comrade Orwell to prove a point now.

How Orwell Showed Communism Fails

Orwell, himself a devoted socialist, wrote critique upon critique disguised as fiction in two now-famous and then-banned novels: 1984 and Animal Farm. Both depict the creation of “perfect” and “equal” societies which aren’t exactly so perfect at all. Orwell observed, rightly, that Communist parties and governments tend to act like the alt-right as soon as they assume power: they assume absolute control over not just people’s actions but their beliefs and ideologies, their lives and learning, and so on.

Animal Farm

In Animal Farm, a bunch of farm animals rebel against their human owners, because they would rather govern themselves. Once they throw out the humans and assume an “equality” among all animals, things quickly go south and back to the old normal, with certain animals having become the new humans in this situation. It’s almost like the French Revolution but with pigs.


In 1984, we see the continent of Oceania and a political party only known as “the party” in action. We follow the life and trials of Winston Smith—a “low-ranking” party member—as he is disillusioned. But 1984, unlike The Matrix, has no happy endings. Winston Smith is no Neo.

In Oceania, the “party” controls everything: all the means of production, all the production, all the people’s lives, clothes, marriages, language, and even their thoughts. Oceania has a constant imagined enemy, re-writes history in the Ministry of Truth, and cracks down on dissent. We realize, by the end of the story, that class-based differences and oppression is just as real in a pretend-socialist world—only the comrades pretend it isn’t.

People will often say that Orwell was criticizing “totalitarianism” and not “socialism” or “communism”—but that’s just one way to chicken out. The truth is that Orwell satirized Stalin (Big Brother) and not Napoleon—because he saw something flawed herein. Although, to be fair, Orwell did name a pig in Animal Farm after Napoleon.

Poverty, Misery, Tyranny: The Holy Trinity of Socialism

As shown in Orwell’s greatest works and in real-life socialist democratic states (China, for one), socialism—which came with the promise of equality for all—has only ended in misery, poverty, and tyranny. Maybe the only way one could say that socialism has succeeded is in the sense that everyone is equally miserable in these kinds of governance. Sure, initially it does look like it brings prosperity—as was the background in 1984—but in the long run, socialism has a history of failing. Cuba and Vietnam are socialist democracies with none the better to show for economic prosperity. China, which is an economic giant, is famously known to be tyrannical towards its Uighur population.

The Tragedy of the Commons

In the 16ht Century, a quasi-socialist experiment in Britain ended rather horridly, which only proves how flawed socialism as a philosophy really is. It is, as the name suggests, a tragedy of the commons: every individual has the right to consume or use resources—at the expense of every other individual. So, let’s say a shepherd owns a certain area of land. He will have to allow everyone else to graze their sheep on the same path of land—and soon, all will suffer because humans will always act out of self-interest when presented with such a liberty. Resources will eventually be depleted. Every individual who did not need to graze sheep is harming every other individual who did need that.

Personal gains take precedence over the wellbeing of the society. In short, in a society, either socialism can prevail—or the society can.

The Bottom Line: Can a Socialist System Work in Our Society?

Sadly, we think not. There’s only one problem with socialism, and it’s this: it’s too perfect. On paper, that is. A socialist government is idealistic to say the least: equality for everyone, no questions asked and no demands made? That sounds too good to be true. Which is exactly why it isn’t true.

Human societies have always been fragmented and differentiated for a reason: humans are inherently and infinitely selfish. Call it an evolutionary feat, if you will, but it’s true. Our selfishness turns us into beings who prioritize furthering and preserving self-interests over all other things.

One of the things we always seem to forget is that no human society of government—even if it’s self-government—can ever be formed without the sham that we call politics. And politics is almost always vested in self-interest. The political class, all over the world, has always lived in relative luxury—especially in the societies where socialism is enforced.

It is massively naïve to expect that when you open all resources to everyone, humans will take only what they need. Human self-interest trumps all—thousands of years of coexistence and history books ought to have taught us that by now.

Socialism cannot prevail because it is too perfect on paper—because it expects the best from people on paper. History and the daily newspapers tell us how terrible a thought that is.

People will always crave power and luxury—just because they’re wearing red caps and have paintings of Marx in their lavish bungalows does not mean they’re any better than the capitalist business tycoons you hate. What matters is not the Marx painting—but the lavish bungalow.

We are not saying, by any means, that Marx was an economic determinist, nor saying that his position is not defensible. All we’re saying is the man was an idealist and believed in people—appealed to the good in people. That is usually the biggest mistake anyone can make.

Read More about Socialism as a Failed Concept

Hop on to the Get Wisdom Project and find out more about why we think socialism cannot work in the human society. And if you have something to add, join our forum today!

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