Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024

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Creator Explores Trust Issues 24May2024

  • Is trust the foundational principle that holds all relationships?
  • Is being trusted a greater compliment than being loved?
  • While you may be deceived if you trust too much, will you live in torment if you don’t trust enough?
  • Will someone who does not trust enough, be in turn, not trusted?
  • Is a lack of belief in the divine, really a lack of trust in the divine?
  • Can trust be overridden by choice and is it ultimately and unavoidably fraught with risk?
  • When is refusing to trust a karmic misstep?
  • Are trust and distrust powerful tools for living but also powerful generators of karma?
  • Creator explains why learning to trust wisely is a healing need and opportunity for soul advancement.

Creator Discusses Expecting the Unexpected in Dark Times 17Nov2023

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Creator Discusses Expecting the Unexpected in Dark Times 17Nov2023

  • Is there a lesson in the extremes exhibited by the paranoid and the Pollyana? 
  • Why is society unprepared for the possibility of an ET presence? 
  • Is our electrical power grid vulnerable and if so, why? 
  • Is planned obsolescence just from business greed or something more sinister? 
  • Why is there so little redundant backup for essential functions? 
  • Is the Amish lifestyle a higher standard of living? 
  • Is our cellphone dependency a trap? 
  • Does GPS technology make us vulnerable? 
  • Creator explains how we can partner with the divine to become better at expecting the unexpected, and guarantee a better future.

Creator Reveals Spiritual and Historical Lessons of Professional Wrestling 10June2022

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GetWisdom LIVE – Creator Reveals Spiritual and Historical Lessons of Professional Wrestling 10Jun2023

  • Is it morally wrong to promote professional wrestling that dupes the audience with fake fighting?
  • Does this hand-to-hand combat share the same origin as the gladiators in ancient Rome?
  • If pro wrestling is just sports mimicry, why do the wrestlers engage so intensely and carry grudges?
  • Where does the fierce pride in being able to hurt others truly come from?
  • Why are blood sports a world-wide phenomenon?
  • Even though people know pro wrestling is play-acting, how can it still promote violence among fans?
  • Creator explains how prayer and divine healing can help the many wrestlers who die before their time, and help all who pass, return to heaven safely.