DWQA QuestionsCategory: Lightworker Healing ProtocolWhat is the reason for our client [name withheld] to have so many noisy spirits in her New York apartment? How can she deal with this to minimize her dependence on us?
Karen Gore Staff asked 6 years ago
She is questioning you again, and again, and again, as to why this is happening, and we understand the basis of her question is an inner fear. This is karmic in origin as she has had past lifetimes of spirit torment and these are being reawakened by the recent encounters with spirits in her home. So this is a fear-based focusing and concentration, and a reawakening of prior lifetimes of being influenced adversely by spirits in the environment. Her inner fears are that this will become a downward spiral and lead to loss of control. This will not occur in the current lifetime as she is mentally stable and emotionally strong enough to contribute to her healing and safety. What is needed here is more karmic repair to further heal past experiences and remove their influence on her current ways of thinking and feeling. This will enable her to let go of expectations of harm and this will in turn stop attracting spirits to her side. It is often the case that one’s worst fears come true. This is not fate or bad luck, but the power of consciousness to, in fact, bring about its worst fears in reality. All have such power, but vary in the effectiveness. But as you know, humans are typically more effective in creating negative outcomes than positive ones. This is because of so much practice with their thoughts in misinterpreting the meaning behind negative events in the lifetime, and drawing false conclusions about their vulnerability, and the harshness of the world, and their inability to cope with or surmount obstacles, and feeling helpless in general so many times in the face of struggles seemingly beyond their control. All of these experiences teach the worst of lessons and lead to much self-denial and self-created helplessness. This need not be the case. You have coached her quite nicely to encourage her shift in perspective to embrace and believe in the power she holds to make things happen, and the further power at her disposal to call on the divine realm to enforce her desires. This is all true and all possible for her. You are sending her down the right path and she is listening and will be able to bring this about with some concerted effort. It is not so very hard. It very much depends on letting go of fear and believing in herself. So this will be enhanced as you do further work on her in parallel with her home, and the two together will help to make things better. Each time you reach out on her behalf, more is accomplished to erase the past history of struggle with spirit energies, and will make the future clear and less troubling. If you keep going, you will help her reach a new plateau of safety.