DWQA QuestionsCategory: Divine Guidance[Name withheld] asks: “In the recent past, I’ve seen police search helicopters circling near my neighborhood, and noticed they do this more than what would seem normal. They’ve even turned the searchlight on me in my backyard once, which could be my own fault since I was shining my flashlight at the helicopter. Would you please ask Creator if this is MAP related, or simply just normal police activity?”
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
This is just normal police activity, so your sensitivity to this potential interpretation is raising questions in your mind but we can reassure you there is no cause for alarm here. There is nothing more sinister than that there has been police activity in your area for reasons unrelated to you and your circumstances, and you just happened to be noticed and given the once-over, so to speak, which is understandable under the circumstances. There are many concerns and fears held by the police helicopter personnel because they are quite vulnerable to sniper attacks and are quite aware of this, and so view any inspection from the ground as a potential prelude to being fired on, so the best course of action is to minimize any perception that you may be a threat by doing something provocative like shining lights their way.