Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are We Really Light Beings?
Many people have questioned the descriptions of us as powerful light begins with many advanced capabilities, as few would predict that from observing human life. We explored with Creator the contrast, why it exists and what it means for our future.

How Do Light Beings Learn About Life in the Earth Plane?
A viewer shares with us an accurate dream recall of her training to come down into the physical as a human being.

Who Created God and How Many God Levels are There?
We explored these topics with Creator, who gives us a very clear picture of the divine hierarchy, and how it speaks to our destiny. Success as humans is worth fighting for more than we realize.

How Do Light Beings See One Another & Communicate? 
We will present teachings about a number of phenomena experienced by humans in the higher astral realm, as well as by earthbound human and extraterrestrial spirits.

Is There Sex in Heaven?
Having finally gotten around the big issue, we explored with Creator what we lose and gain in going back to the light. It’s amazing!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mysteries of light being existence … Webinar: More Extraterrestrial Manipulations Revealed 22Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: More Extraterrestrial Manipulations Revealed 22Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Widespread are Alien Abductions of Infants?
Every parent’s worst nightmare is something evil befalling their child. Karl & Denny discuss the shocking reality of how widespread this extraterrestrial program is, what it does to the victims, and the power of the Lightworker Healing Protocol to provide safety.

Does Mind Control Cause Governments to Create Trouble?
Governments are moving to reduce criminal penalties for drug use and property crimes as a humane way to reduce incarceration, even as they may be criminalizing behavior like homelessness. There are widespread reports that the death toll of serious natural disasters is being under-reported. There is a leaked video of a scientific proposal to weaponize a virus attacking the gene for spirituality. Karl & Denny explore Creator’s perspective of the cynical and sinister motivations behind such intentions.

Age Discrimination Like Racism Promoted by Mind Control?
Many workers are being phased out at their prime, and this is commonly accepted as just a self-serving cost-cutting by businesses. Creator explains how this has been ingrained in the thinking of managers and executives to corrupt them and actually undermine human productivity by eliminating the most valuable and highly experienced employees.

Where Did All the Sand in the Sahara & Namib Come From? 
We were prompted to look into this with Creator and were shocked to learn this was entirely unnatural and sinister. It is a sobering lesson about the power of the interlopers we face to wreak havoc on our environment.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine perspective on more extraterrestrial manipulations … Webinar: Divine Perspective on Love & Marriage 15Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Perspective on Love & Marriage 15Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What’s the Truth About “Soulmates” & “Twin Flames?”
Everyone dreams about meeting that “special someone.” We explored with Creator what the plans are for people to have a chance at true love, and the disinformation and pitfalls that interfere with finding it and being satisfied. We also re-visit the “alien love bite” phenomenon, a sinister manipulation of love feelings for a dark purpose, and how to overcome it.

Do Marriages Planned Prior to Incarnation Actually Happen?
There is extensive life planning in the light about all important goals, as well as necessary milestones in meeting up with the players who will be bringing it about. We talked with Creator about the overall divine track record in helping people find true love, the problems posed by family-arranged marriages, and the role of karma that can help or hurt.

What Prevents Commitment in a Love Relationship? 
Many people have long-term relationships that never develop into marriage. We explore the deep reasons this happens, the take-home lessons about love that misfires, and why divine healing can help to overcome the predicament of living a loveless existence.

Divine Perspective on Promiscuity, Adultery, & Divorce?
As with all of life, there are rules, legal constraints, and conventions, in addition to faith-based vows and expectations. In a rapidly changing world that is becoming increasingly secular, it is important to know what the Almighty expects of us when it comes to love relationships. We have a current and timely update about the true divine perspectives on marital vows and under what conditions they can be ignored or cancelled.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine perspective on love & marriage … Webinar: Alien Weaponized Troublemakers & Victims 08Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Alien Weaponized Troublemakers & Victims 08Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Actual Scheme to Engineer Many Serial Troublemakers?
Almost everyone has met a troublemaker who seems to bring difficulty, discord, hostility, and turmoil everywhere they go. We have learned from Creator the reasons for this, and how it is orchestrated to happen.

Perpetual Victims Suffering Only From Bad Luck or Karma?
Almost everyone has met someone who seems to be cursed, always having bad things happen at every turn, and who never can escape their torment. Their victimization is often monumental with no practical solutions. Karl & Denny discuss how people’s lives come to be so troubled and how it can be engineered to happen.

Are Perpetrators & Victims Manipulated Into Encounters? 
The serial troublemaker has a perfect counterpart in the perpetual victim. We explored with Creator the fascinating way these people who are opposite, but perfect partners in mayhem, are maneuvered again and again to meet up, with predictable and painful consequences. We will illustrate these phenomena with case study examples of people caught up in the whirlwind.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about alien weaponized troublemakers & victims … Webinar: Divine Perspective on Rational Thinking 01Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Perspective on Rational Thinking 01Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Is Rational Thinking the Peak of Human Capability?
Mainstream science points to our presumed greater conscious awareness as emblematic of what distinguishes us as a species, compared to animals relying on instinct and conditioned behaviors. Creator clarifies what is missing in this argument, puts into perspective the unappreciated levels of the mind, and explains the difference between rational thinking and wisdom.

Is Creativity a Highly Refined Form of Rational Thinking?
Geniuses and others who are credited with high levels of creativity are assumed to be more intelligent and better at rational thinking. They somehow are able to hold more facts and information in their thoughts and continue them in new ways to come up with a new “discovery.” We get Creator’s help to demystify what is truly going on when people think “outside the box.”

Do We Have Our Own Inner Enemies of Rational Thought? 
Life is so often a struggle, with many inner obstacles that are unseen and poorly understood, like the negativity of past karmic trauma, and the fears and doubts we carry. All such sources of negativity work to undermine rational thinking, and appear to be the culprit causing us to make poor choices that limit our success. But is that the heart of the problem, or are there deeper issues?

When is Feeling Entitled Not Rational?
Human psychology is complex, often misinterpreted, and almost always incompletely understood. We explored with Creator’s help, the origins of entitlement based feelings and attitudes, and their true and deeper meanings. We also learned more about what caused the problem of fallen angels. This is an opportunity to better understand human behavior, how the universe works, and Creator’s plan for humanity as a human family.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine perspective on rational thinking … Webinar: Limitations of New Age & Metaphysical Lore 24Nov2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Limitations of New Age & Metaphysical Lore 24Nov2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

What is the Best and Safest Way to Meditate?
People rarely realize that the practice and benefits of meditation are very poorly understood, and can pose dangerous hazards without safeguards in place. Creator shares the divine perspectives about the universal principles for getting the most out of meditation while doing it safely.

Can Out-of-Body Astral Travel & Even Yoga be Hazardous?
Creator explains why doing anything that invites energy into the body or reaches out for something beyond the body poses hazards. Karl & Denny will discuss what precautions are necessary to ensure safety.

Can the Practice of Wicca be in Divine Alignment? 
While the bad reputation of witchcraft down through the ages is well-deserved, the Wicca movement endeavors to do good works as well. We will present a fascinating look at the possibilities and temptations represented in these teachings, with a real world example.

More Channeling Misconceptions, Astrology & Crystals?
Karl & Denny explore a number of questions from viewers about New Age concepts to bring further clarity. There is far too much disinformation facing the unwary, who often embrace everything touted as being “spiritual” or “metaphysically useful” knowledge. This can lead to disappointment and even risky practices.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about limitations of new age & metaphysical lore … Webinar: Extraterrestrial Evils on Display 17Nov2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Extraterrestrial Evils on Display 17Nov2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Can Extraterrestrials Cause Sudden Infant Death?
The heartbreaking sudden unexpected death in infants (SUDI) where there is a presumed sleep accident, or sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) when the cause is truly unknown, continue to challenge medical science. We will reveal the shocking story of alien involvement and give the statistics.

Are Health & Refugee Burdens Orchestrated by Interlopers?
The many looming crises that face us with worsening health, like the explosion in autism diagnosis, along with a shaky financial system are met with yawns and complacency by congress. This, too, is manipulated to happen. Creator will share perspectives on what it will take to solve the tremendous healing challenges that steadily worsen.

Can Autism be Healed Working With the Deep Subconscious?                                      We will give an update on strides we are making with a test case that illustrates the potential of coupling subconscious channeling with Holographic Memory Resolution and DNA ThetaHealing.

Alien Connection With Gender Confusion in Children? 
We also have another shocking finding about the origins of LGBTQ issues and why there is so much intense advocacy, sometimes to the point of violence, with any suggestion that gender confusion in children is not normal.

New Insights About Mind Control Manipulation?
Karl & Denny will share new information about mind control methods and fascinating examples of people in the news doing inexplicable things and why they are really doing them.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about extraterrestrial evils on display … Webinar: Divine Encouragement About Our Troubled World 10Nov2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Divine Encouragement About Our Troubled World 10Nov2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

How Could a Loving God Allow so Many to Suffer?
This is a question asked again and again and again all through the ages, so when we received a recent client inquiry about this issue, we passed the penetrating question to Creator of All That Is for an update on Creator’s current thinking about the state of the world and the rationale for human existence. Creator’s message of encouragement explains our ability to obtain divine help for healing our way forward.

Is Harsh Experience Really the Best Path for Human Growth?
Here a viewer questions the motives and choices of Creator in making a world such as ours, where life can be tough and failure catastrophic. Creator explains the wisdom behind the free will paradigm, despite its difficulties and possibilities for compounding errors that can make people fall behind and face even greater obstacles in the future.

Did We Create This Mess? Does God Regret Our Freedom?
A viewer who sees the problems humans have and cause for others, and feels some personal responsibility for their own wrongdoing, asks about whether the Almighty has similar thoughts and possibly regrets about all that is underway. Another person wonders if it might be better to let humanity fail, if only to end the ongoing suffering of people, generation after generation. Creator opens up about its perspective and concerns, but gives loving reassurance that Creator has faith in us, even as we doubt ourselves and our ability to endure.

Is the Eternal Future Truly Better, or Just More of the Same? 
A viewer raises an important question about being all too human and what that may mean, if the current reincarnation paradigm means we return to lifetime after lifetime as the same person, to pick up where we left off. What can a person who lacks talent, great intellect, or other positive attributes compared to most people expect to gain from an eternal existence, if their shortcomings are soul characteristics? Creator provides much needed encouragement about the true potential within each one of us to have many new adventures tapping into truly vast resources within our soul. We’re just getting started!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about divine encouragement about our troubled world … Webinar: Final Solution for Humanity Update #1 – 03Nov2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Final Solution for Humanity Update #1 – 03Nov2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Is Recent Pleiadian Channeling of Anunnaki Plans Accurate?
Karl & Denny share what was explored with Creator about a number of intriguing questions raised through another channeler about the current alien agenda, it’s timing and what may happen.

Can a Cyber Attack be Launched to Shut Down the Internet?
In asking about cyber attacks and security issues posed by hackers, we received a caution that a more widespread problem with Internet access may happen at some point.

Federal Reserve Losing Battle to Prop Up Financial System?
Recent signs of an impending downturn in the world economy, including that of the U.S., raise concerns about how dependent we are on central bank and Fed policies, and whether they help or hurt.

Connecting Link Behind Multiple Nations with Social Unrest? 
Recent months have seen spreading outbreaks of demonstrations among the populace of many countries, all seemingly due to differing causes. Karl & Denny explore with Creator what’s behind this.

Unrecognized & Ignored Technical Canary in the Coal Mine?
As pointless anguish about the false climate change debate drags on, there is a virtual canary in the coal mine pointing to a much bigger environmental threat unknown to the public and ignored by the institutions we look to for answers.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about final solution for humanity update #1 … Webinar: Misguided and Dangerous New Age Practices 27Oct2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Misguided and Dangerous New Age Practices 27Oct2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are There Pitfalls in Using Meditation or Calling Spirit Guides?
The first challenge in appreciating how the New Age movement has created problems is understanding the difference between do-it-yourself spirituality and truly calling on the Divine. We will discuss a number of practices that are well-intentioned but fall short.

Does Having the Right Crystals Provide Adequate Protection?
There are many false assumptions promoted about interacting with minerals and other strategies like saging in order to avoid spirit encounters and manipulation. We will describe the problems and best strategies to get true benefits.

Are Practices like Tantric Sex and Ayuhuasca Safe & Helpful?
Karl & Denny will survey a variety of popular approaches to get Creator’s assessment of their safety and effectiveness. In many ways, it is equally important knowing what NOT to do, given so many differing choices in how to devote time and energy for self-care and well-being.

Is All Energy Healing Safe? Astral Travel & Sun Gazing Safe?
Karl & Denny will explore the wide array of experiences having many proponents, and the high percentage of channelers actually connecting to imposters of divine beings, underscores the advantage of having true and reliable divine guidance before embracing unconventional strategies for healing and enlightenment.

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about misguided and dangerous new age practices …