Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

This Video Requires a FREE Participant Membership or Higher Webinar: Mysteries of Light Being Existence 29Dec2019

What we’ll cover in this event  …

Are We Really Light Beings?
Many people have questioned the descriptions of us as powerful light begins with many advanced capabilities, as few would predict that from observing human life. We explored with Creator the contrast, why it exists and what it means for our future.

How Do Light Beings Learn About Life in the Earth Plane?
A viewer shares with us an accurate dream recall of her training to come down into the physical as a human being.

Who Created God and How Many God Levels are There?
We explored these topics with Creator, who gives us a very clear picture of the divine hierarchy, and how it speaks to our destiny. Success as humans is worth fighting for more than we realize.

How Do Light Beings See One Another & Communicate? 
We will present teachings about a number of phenomena experienced by humans in the higher astral realm, as well as by earthbound human and extraterrestrial spirits.

Is There Sex in Heaven?
Having finally gotten around the big issue, we explored with Creator what we lose and gain in going back to the light. It’s amazing!

Viewer Questions and Answers
The Founders will interact with the viewing audience and answer viewer questions about mysteries of light being existence …

SPANISH AUDIO TRANSLATION PODCAST – Canalizando TODOS con Karl Mollison 27Abril2017

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David Koresh Channeled by Karl Mollison 27March2018

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David Koresh Channeled by Karl Mollison 27March2018

Adapted from

David Koresh  August 17, 1959 – April 19, 1993 was the American leader of the Branch Davidians sect, believing himself to be its final prophet.

Koresh came from a dysfunctional family background and was a member, and later a leader, of the Shepherds Rod, a reform movement led by Victor Houteff that arose from within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Koresh joined a spiritual group that was based at the Mount Carmel Center outside Waco, Texas, where the group took the name “Branch Davidians”.

The serving of arrest and search warrants by the U.S. Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF) as part of an investigation into illegal possession of firearms and explosives provoked the historic 1993 raid on the center.

Four ATF agents and six Davidians were killed during the initial two-hour firefight, both sides claiming the other side fired first. The subsequent siege by the FBI ended when the center was set on fire — Koresh and 79 others were found dead after the conflagration.

Discoveries by film makers Jason Van Fleet confirmed thatFederal Government agencies along with the Military used pyrotechnic devices, shape charged explosives and automatic and/or semi-automatic rifle fire to kill many of the Branch Davidians as some of them apparently attempted to escape during the fire on April 19, 1993.

The film, Waco – A New Revelation, also revealed that decisions leading to this massacre likely were made in the White House during the Clinton administration.

Is there a deeper reason for such a debacle in the humanexperience that is being overlooked?

Questions for Light Being David Koresh 27 March 2018

1)  Does the move WACO – A New Revelation directed by Jason Van Fleet give an accurate account of the WACO massacre?

2)  Who was the God that spoke to you? How did you identify him then and how you identify him now?

3)  What specifically did the extraterrestrials do to you and the ATF, FBI and other Law Enforcement Officials in charge of the WACO massacre, if anything?

4)  How have the methods of mind control changed since those days in the 80’s and 90’s?

5)  What is being done to children now as compared to what was being done to children back in the early 90’s?

6)  What are the best ways for humans to protect their children from the state and the Extraterrestrial Alliance?

7)  Have you since met any of your attackers in the Light? Can you explain to us your interactions with them?

8)  What would you say to those who claim that there is little or no hope for Humans to resist or overcome what is apparently in store for them?

Adolf Hitler Channeled by Karl Mollison 19Dec2017

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Adolf Hitler Channeled By Karl Mollison 19Dec2017


Who Was Adolf Hitler?

Adolf Hitler was the leader of Nazi Germany from 1934 to 1945. He initiated fascist policies that led to World War II and the deaths of at least 11 million people, including the mass murder of an estimated 6 million Jews.

Adolf Hitler (April 20, 1889 to April 30, 1945) was chancellor of Germany from 1933 to 1945, serving as dictator and leader of the Nazi Party, or National Socialist German Workers Party, for the bulk of his time in power. Hitler’s policies precipitated World War II and led to the genocide known as the Holocaust, which resulted in the deaths of some six million Jews and another five million non-combatants. With defeat on the horizon, Hitler [allegedly] committed suicide with wife Eva Braun on April 30, 1945, in his Berlin bunker.

From Channeling Creator 4Dec2017

Is Adolf Hitler a safe and helpful interview subject to channel in the light, or is he still not in the light but needing a spirit rescue?

“He was an important figure, to be sure, in human history. He was an important figure as well for the workings of the Extraterrestrial Alliance to cause problems for humanity in a major way. He was also a karmic figure of great importance for human development, as there were karmic reasons behind his being chosen for his role. So he, in a sense, is still more one of you than one of them even though he was, as you have seen, a fallen angel and not a human being. This was a special case of an incarnation, in spirit form, of one of the fallen. It does happen that angels incarnate if there is a high purpose.  In this case, there was a high purpose—to work on karma. The problem that developed was he was co-opted and his role was expanded to be used as the point of the spear for world war.  So his ability to cause damage was magnified many-fold.

As far as the Extraterrestrial Alliance is concerned, that is ancient history.  They care little about those days and the aftermath, except to note their handiwork in creating great damage to human progress and a tremendous karmic fallout that continues to rumble across the globe with the continued political arguments of various factions.  These include the neo-Nazis and other white supremacists borrowing their trappings, the fear held by the Jews that there may be a return of a Holocaust, the persistence of anti-Semitism that was not eradicated by all that happened, despite major gains, which had many other consequences individually and collectively for individuals and society.

So this would be a quite useful interview to conduct. This will require both special preparation and special care. The individual is not in the light, per se, but in a special place where the spirit meddlers return when they have achieved some level of healing. This still needs to be done for him, so this would be good to initiate through a spirit rescue session if you wish to pursue this.”

Questions for Adolf Hitler

1) Is it true that you took your own life on April 30, 1945? If not, what happened and when and where did you transition?

2) Were you killed and replaced by a Reptilian? What was your personal relationship with the Reptilians and/or the Arcturians?

3) What is your current status? Are you a Light Being now?

4) Given your anomalous nature, what capacities and/or skills did you have as a human that set you apart from other humans?

5) What can you tell us about the loss of your younger brother, your desire to be a painter and you nationalistic interests? How were these features of your life directed into making war on the world?

6) What role did secret societies such as the Thule Society and the Vril Society play in the creation of the Third Reich? 

7) What were the Karmic circumstances and past incarnations leading up to your incarnation as Adolf Hitler and what is your current Karmic situation? Will you be incarnating as a human again?

8) Did the Nazi’s have the ability to clone humans and to what extent was mind control developed before the alleged end of WW II?

9) What were the agendas of Maria Orsic, the Vril Society, the Arcturians and the Reptilian Draco especially as it may relate to the German space program?  Is it true that the Nazi Germans have a breakaway off-planet civilization that is militarily and economically active in the human slave trade and other type of technology and resource trading?

10) What was the level of collusion between the Axis and Allied Powers before and during the war especially as it relates to banking and the influence of the Roman Catholic Church and the Jesuits?

11) Was there a spiritual reason for also targeting disabled, homosexuals, some ethnic groups, Christian and other religious resistors as well as the Jewish populations?

12) How is your Karmic legacy related to the Jewish Race, the Holocaust and what is the perspective most helpful for those trying to resolve this dark episode in human history? We are particularly interested in healing with this question.

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 26Sept2017

From Karl –

“So the idea of even talking to Creator is somewhat new for me. It took me years to get here. And I was influenced by the same notions that have been conveyed by the spiritual folk themselves “Oh you can’t really talk to Creator there’s too much energy there, it would be overwhelming, probably even fatal, if you tried to do that. Creator doesn’t deal with us, that’s what the angels are for blah, blah, blah” and so on.

And I always assumed that was so.”

1)  Is there such a thing as a resistance movement as described by Cobra, and if so, what can you describe about that their members and their activities?

2)  Can you tell us if there are such things as the Yaldaboath entity, with toplet plasma bombs, and plasma primary anomaly?

3)  Are entity attachments the result of an individual agreeing to hold a certain perspective of victimhood?

4)  Since everything is an expression of creation is there any point to resisting anything within All That Is?

5)  Did Jim Marrs successfully transition to the Light?

6)  Did William Tompkins successfully transition to the Light?

7)  Will benevolent ETs contact humans telepathically at this time for the purpose of peaceful contact, and for the purpose of scientific and intercultural exchange?

8)  Is there any truth to the idea that part of the abduction phenomenon is that part of human souls are being removed, and if so by whom, and for what purpose?

9)  Are there other spiritual practices besides prayer that are recommended?

10)  What was the significance of the total solar eclipse across the United Stated on August 21st, 2017, and what effect if any did the mass meditation at 11:11 AM Pacific time have on humanity and the probable timelines?

11)  There are vast bodies of research with hundreds of subjects doing life between life regression where subjects report  not encountering any problems getting to the Light after dying. Why is this the case when we have heard from you that fully 1/3rd of those dying do not successfully transition to the Light?

12)   Who or what is making crop circles, and why?

13)  What is going on with these recent Earth changes: back-to-back hurricanes, huge earthquakes in Mexico, forest fires in the west? And are any of them intentionally human engineered, and/or alien engineered, and if so, why?

14)  Are many types of ET’s working together in the human abduction phenomenon?

15)  Dr. Karla Turner mentioned a case where an abductee met a female extraterrestrial who apologized for what others in her race were doing to humanity, and that she and her associates were removing the implants put in by her fellow bad extraterrestrials. What was her real purpose? Was she really a benevolent ET or was this yet another level of deception? You said no extraterrestrials interacting with humans in the physical dimension are benevolent.

Viewer Questions for Creator by Karl Mollison 08Aug2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 08Aug2017

1)  Are actions such as abortion and assisted suicide deliberately seeded into the consciousness of humanity to create karmic debt?

2)  Has the opposition to such actions been deliberately exaggerated to ensure that much of humanity would dismiss the energetic consequences that may be buried in religious doctrine?

3)  Is it possible for a Creator’s plan to fail? Or is it by definition predestined because it is Creator’s plan?

4)  How is the light winning when the darkness seems so prevalent and even seems to be increasing?

5)  How great is the threat to humanity by artificial intelligence?

6)  It has been claimed that the representatives of an ET race have met physically with at least one human secret space program experiencer to promote their message for humanity, that is essentially the golden rule, that we need to become more service to others, raise our consciousness, and forgive ourselves and others. What can possibly be wrong with this?

7)  What is the significance of climate change and should it be considered anthropogenic?

8)  Are extraterrestrial and Earth based military abduction still occurring and what is the purpose?

Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 27April2017

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Viewer Questions for Creator Channeled by Karl Mollison 27April2017

From Karl –

“So the idea of even talking to Creator is somewhat new for me. It took me years to get here. And I was influenced by the same notions that have been conveyed by the spiritual folk themselves “Oh you can’t really talk to Creator there’s too much energy there, it would be overwhelming, probably even fatal, if you tried to do that. Creator doesn’t deal with us, that’s what the angels are for blah, blah, blah” and so on.

 And I always assumed that was so.”

  1. If you were to be characterized as male or female to assist humans to understand you better which would be more accurate?
  2. What is the difference between a corrupted source and an uncorrupted source?
  3. Does a corrupted source depend on the source’s intention? What are the other factors?
  4. Would it be accurate to say that no good alien has an agenda to physically appear to humans?
  5. What can whistleblowers and others concerned about the interference by extraterrestrials do to help humanity?