DWQA QuestionsCategory: Coronavirus COVID-19A practitioner asks: “How about the following version of the Coronavirus Prayer [for use by the general public]? “Creator of All That Is (Source Creator, Dear God, Allah…), each and every day, remove or render harmless all dangerous viruses [and all other SCOURGES] from myself, my loved ones, and then from all infected beings and the Earth as a whole, apply this prayer again and again as needed to keep everyone safe, and restore well-being to the afflicted.”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This could be beneficial, but most people will not have in mind the full meaning of the word "scourge" and therefore the prayer will fall short of its full intention you are proposing. So this will be a variable and depend on the intent held by the one doing the prayer, in their understanding of the words and their meaning. So it does come across as somewhat vague and many people will assume this is simply restating the idea of a scourge caused by a microbe and might only generalize to that degree and not include all potential scourges, animal, vegetable, and mineral, so to speak.