DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersA practitioner asks: “Where are the Mantids from, and what is their origin? Were they created by Creator, or are they a genetic experiment result of the three Extraterrestrial Alliance members?”
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
This is an interesting idea that is proposed here as there has, indeed, been much genetic tinkering by the Anunnaki especially, and the other extraterrestrial interlopers as well. But in this case, the Mantids were a divine creation and so they have been discovered by the Anunnaki in their travels through the galaxy, and have been subjugated and exploited by them as they have done with many civilizations. They have not been suppressed in the way humans have been subjected to manipulation, and that is owing to some unique characteristics that the Anunnaki value, primarily that they think much like the Anunnaki as they, too, are corrupt, but they are not as enterprising and savage in wanting to exploit others, and so are more a neutral party from the Anunnaki perspective—a potential alliance partner for strategic reasons but not a threat to them. And because of their unusual makeup, they are more a curiosity than an asset, but the Anunnaki will always think about what might serve them, and they are seeing the Mantids as a potential asset who could be used for more routine duties in overseeing other worlds when put in charge and backed by the Anunnaki, but trusted to mind the store, so to speak. So a relationship has been cultivated with that race of beings and they are being given some hands-on duties, mostly observational, but as a way of testing the waters to see to what extent they can be enticed to join forces and be of service.