DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsA prominent financial adviser has a new report extolling the life-altering impact of digital currencies, like bitcoin, which you have said will collapse once gold resets. Is he right about the financial potential of the businesses he says will profit from this coming change? Will there be a new national gold-backed digital currency blending the advantages of both? Has he become corrupted?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
He is not corrupted. He is using logic and reason in response to what he sees intuitively, and based on an accurate assessment that the fiat currencies’ days are numbered. The world is truly upside down now and he can see this quite clearly and is seeing a way out in the adoption of digital currency. The many who are proposing and embracing this idea are falling into a trap. It is promulgated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance who invented digital currencies to begin with. They did so to be a sink for wealth that will eventually disempower all who are drawn to the idea and invest their wealth accordingly. As we have told you, while people are ignoring investment in gold as a time-honored store of wealth and fleeing to things like bitcoin, this allows the minions of the interlopers and their bloodline to continue purchasing gold at bargain prices compared to what will come. It is the holders of gold who will profit from a reset, not those invested in digital currencies. There are many applications of the blockchain technology and it is a way to regulate and provide a mechanism to conduct business in many respects. That part is true and he is seeing the direction things are heading. The problem is, this has as much downside as benefit, and this will only become clear after the fact. Many of the benefits of technology you are seeing come to fruition have a large negative consequence that was not anticipated at the outset. The most prominent example being the replacement by online shopping through Amazon of thousands of businesses, large and small, based in physical locations all around the globe to serve people locally. While that entailed a measure of inefficiency compared to an automated supply chain delivery service, whose volume of operations makes it considerably more efficient, in removing a meaningful role in life for the many thousands of employees who were earning a decent living and had a place in society and a stability contributing to the local economy and reaping the rewards, what are they to do now that they are jobless and soon to become homeless? While your future is uncertain, we can tell you there will be karmic consequences for all such distortions away from a balanced lifestyle, so it is better to not be involved in supporting or promoting something inimical to the betterment of humanity.