DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessA viewer asks: “Is it true there are eight more degrees of fine-matter fineness, with the ultimate top three constituting energy within the divine realm and Creator’s consciousness?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
This is correct but again it is a question of frequency, although that can be described as fineness, but we would consider it a less precise term as we have described for you. Vibration has a precise meaning in terms of electromagnetic energy. Consciousness does not behave like electromagnetic forces but nonetheless has movement and an energy associated with it. To describe the degree of content of the energy of consciousness can be depicted by speaking of a higher vibration which thereby has greater variation over time and, therefore, greater content in terms of what is taking place in the movement of the energy in question. So it is a useful descriptor solely from that perspective, but fineness or granularity implies you are dealing with something existing as a physical particle when such is not the case. It is not stable in that sense or finite in location. It, in fact, exists as a field that spreads infinitely and, therefore, cannot be considered to be a particle in any sense nor have a granularity per se. It is a field of information whether at a basal state or primed with an intention coming from another source of consciousness energy. So it may have the imprint of other consciousness or be consciousness redirected and repurposed by consciousness from another source to give it a purpose and a goal or action that has been set in motion, that will reside as the intention, and forms a partial content among the energy distributed throughout the broad field. The interpenetration of fields of consciousness form the matrix of everything in existence and the content determines in what form it appears, as observed, for example, by human beings surveying their world and looking at events taking place from the human perspective. How the observation is conducted of course will determine what is seen or detected. The prosaic and mundane, seemingly, material substances perceived through the normal senses are a subset of the energetic potentials of consciousness but are the most simplistic and prosaic forms. There is a reason that the intuitive reach of non-local consciousness is described as supernatural rather than subnatural, it is the awareness of having a profound nature and likely a profound purpose, and this is very much the case.