DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsA viewer asks: “It seems as though there is an effort to always create a pretext for any aggressive action the Extraterrestrial Alliance wishes to see carried out. Essentially, blame the victim. Irresponsible home buyers were blamed for overextending themselves, and deserved to be ruined as a result, just as foolish and short-sighted students borrowing tens of thousands to get unmarketable degrees deserve their comeuppance and lifelong debt burden they cannot pay back. Can Creator comment on this ET strategy and why we humans so easily fall for it?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The wisdom of old was "neither a borrower nor a lender be." That wisdom is borne out today when the role of both becomes so greatly magnified through the distortion of pricing for things like higher education and the ready availability of capital engineered by the political system conspires to lure people into a false sense of security, thinking they are gaining something of tremendous value but instead digging a hole for themselves they may never climb out of. At least a home is a physical entity that can be enjoyed and be lived in and provides basic necessities. A diploma may well be a passport to a better future, but there is no guarantee and many prove to be useless. This is orchestrated to happen to cause an inflation of prices as a drain on the economy and to manipulate people with mind control to give them the expectation they must go to some authority figures who will then tell them what they need to know and show them how to learn it and pay an extravagant sum for the privilege. This is rather ridiculous on its face. It is an archaic system that serves the state. It serves the hidden Cabal and it acts as a drain on the economy and creates a personal burden for the students as well and their families throughout their lives in many cases. There are many such imperatives that people are culturally influenced through what others are doing to come to want and to try to acquire. There is a huge contingent of manipulation always in the background making people follow certain lifestyles and to feel inadequate unless they do. The availability of ready money through borrowing is highly addictive and a very slippery slope. The advent of the credit card was a great corruption. It has its practical value, and when used judiciously it is a conveyance of money electronically and has many conveniences built in. But to use a credit card as a source to live on is a trap because the debt will be compounded with interest at such a rate you will likely not escape. This is sinister and a kind of evil. In the old system, there was careful scrutiny when people wanted money on loan for something. They would have to meet face-to-face with a banker who would assess their net worth, their ability to pay, and get a sense of whether this made sense within a reasonable budget and would turn down the loan if such was not the case. But today there is no filter and people can easily get in over their heads. That is a deliberately intended scourge to encumber everyone in debt of their own making to get people addicted to consumerism and to shopping and thereby increasingly vulnerable if there were an economic downturn and they lost their job, for example, and were unable to service their growing debt. This is a deliberate orchestration. It is not generosity that the banks let people buy new cars when they are barely getting by economically. The rapaciousness is a programmed manipulation at all levels of society so all are complicit in the group decline because of growing debt.