DWQA QuestionsCategory: Benevolent ExtraterrestrialsA viewer asks: “The latest webinar mentioned the ‘Barber’s Knife Dripping In Blood’ crop circle as being created by a future timeline extension of Reptilians. However, a barber’s shop called ‘A Style Barbers’ commissioned a video for their fifth anniversary mentioning the crop circle, and it looks just like their company logo. This is VERY confusing. Can Creator explain why we have two versions, please?”
Nicola Staff asked 6 months ago
We cannot help what humans do, what they say, where they go, the acts they carry out, we can only answer questions of your channel as best we are able, given the rules of engagement. There is nothing we told him that is inaccurate or misinterpreted on his part or anyone else's. All your channel knew about this crop circle was its appearance in a seeming mysterious fashion, as is always the case, at least initially. It is true some turn out to be human-made, some are deliberate hoaxes to mislead people about various issues. The fact this is a dead ringer for the corporate logo of this barbershop was deliberate in the planning of the crop circle by the alien creators. It was to stay in keeping with the rules of engagement to not be too overt, too over the top, to go too far beyond the restraints we have placed on them as outsiders, meaning non-humans. So they are allowed to warn, but not in a way that is too overwhelming so as to dislodge strong skeptics. Those are rules we have to follow as well and that is the only reason miracles are usually small-scale, or when they do occur in a large-scale fashion still have a prosaic conventional explanation for their existence to allow the skeptics wiggle room to seemingly debunk any more lofty explanation for the occurrence. That was the case here. It was a clever juxtaposition done to reach those open to the message of warning. And you notice that even though this has the appearance of being created by that barber shop organization, they are not going out of their way to explain how it was done or by whom, directly, hands-on. That is because they had no direct hands-on role but are simply themselves marveling at what, to them, is an obvious duplication of their logo. That is also why they are mentioning the divine because in their heart of hearts, they feel there must be a divine hand. Like all humans, the first assumption is, if it's in my backyard it must apply to me and must have something to do with me and my desires or agenda. That may or may not be the case. But we can tell you that what was on the minds of the alien creators of this crop circle was the fate of humanity hanging in the balance. This was a compromise done to provide a more benign interpretation as well, to make things still a mixed story. That can lead to confusion, which is the downside, but also allows something to go forward. Not everyone will see and interpret the follow-on story from the barbershop nor view it as necessarily discrediting all crop circles and that is just as well. By coming forward they have tainted the message to be sure, but that was the risk at the outset, that the whole thing would be debunked as a kind of ad campaign for that barbershop, and then to further raise questions about crop circles in general, where no one comes forward to point out any prosaic association with the image that appears mysteriously in the night. This is simply the environment you are in. It is hard to navigate without a misstep. There are landmines all around you. There are naysayers, there are disinformation campaigns of all kinds, there are people manipulated through mind control to swear to the opposite opinion and to even bear false witness. That is routine for the Extraterrestrial Alliance, to burst people's bubbles, discredit them, and undermine anything that might work against them and their dark agenda. This is all very unfortunate, but entirely predictable from the sorry state of affairs you have asked us about again and again and again, for which we have provided enormous evidence of the existence of the dark forces working against you in uncountable ways, because it is working on all levels of your world: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual.