DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersAre the cancer data researched in the official archives and reported in the book by Edward T. Haslam accurate, showing an alarming increase in lung, skin, lymphoma, prostate, and breast cancer between 1973 and 1988 compared to a number of other types that remained at constant levels?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The data are accurate because they were supplied by the government database statistics themselves and were fairly represented by taking out the ones showing large increases and looking at those separately compared to all the rest. It is a logical and defensible comparison designed to draw attention to those showing a large increase compared to the group showing no apparent change in the incidence levels. This is in keeping with the expectation that an oncogenic virus will have a certain profile, that it will affect certain cell types and not others, and this is exactly what one would expect, that certain types of cancer would increase but not many other types for which the virus causes no oncogenic transformation in those tissues. So this is a fair way of displaying the dramatic rise in many major types of cancer that continue to plague humanity with large numbers of victims. It is still ongoing and still unaddressed by mainstream medicine.