DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesDid my DNA ThetaHealing work cure my client’s Herpes?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This indeed is the case. We know you have some doubts about this based on your prior experience, but we explained in that case it was a misperception, and this is, in fact, the dilemma of Herpes sufferers in particular. Knowing they have this sexually transmitted disease, they will often seek life partners or lovers with the same infection so they are not spreading it to anyone else, and this is the best they can do in order to have a sex life at all without causing great injury and bearing the guilt—not to mention the karma, which they might not appreciate but which would be considerable. So, by being with partners likely to have the same disease, curing them is likely to be only temporary because it will not prevent them from becoming re-infected from the partner. The best strategy would be to do a healing for both the client and any sexual partners they interact with on a regular basis on the basis of their known status, whether it is an HIV or Herpes infection that may be the issue. That has a greater potential for creating a more long-lasting benefit. The issue of sharing with the client this expectation is a loaded one and we recognize this. You are not a health care provider. You cannot claim such powers to cure illness like this. If you were to do so, you could be blamed for making false claims and also misdirecting people and misguiding them, causing them to ignore medical treatment and support, believing falsely they are cured, and so on, and putting them at great risk as well as many others potentially, if the client feels liberated from this constraint now and can freely engage in sex with anyone without them being a hazard by infecting others with a chronic STD. So there is a dual danger here—particularly if their sexual habits will be exposing them to more than one partner. This greatly increases the chance of reinfection and then, in that eventuality, they will come straight back to you thinking you have lied to them and blaming you for a false sense of security that has gotten someone or themselves into trouble, if only through having everything fall apart when their hopes had been raised of being cured but then dashed when experiencing a setback. This can be avoided simply by not promising anything in particular but endeavoring to be of service in this way when you know a person has such an affliction. You cannot control their conduct, so the safe course would be to not emphasize the likelihood, unless there is a particular desire and need, an intense interest and active requesting for help with this condition because of its life-limiting nature, and the person is willing to take on the responsibility of maintaining safety in their interactions with others, despite perhaps having a clean bill of health from the divine realm following your healing work. So, this is something for you to sort out, but the complications are indeed many and significant.