DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human Corruption“Do as I say, not as I do,” epitomizes the problem of hypocrisy in parenting. There is probably not a parent alive who has never been guilty of this, which speaks to the very heart of the issue. Children may be naive, but they are not stupid. Few things damage the image and role model duty of the parent than hypocrisy. Can Creator comment?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
Public figures more often than not engage in hypocritical behavior quite frequently, but people in the general public are not living with them and not relying on their assistance personally, and will often not see the misrepresentation because they don’t know the backstory and cannot research it themselves. But when you live with someone, they are on display, and eventually their true nature will come out in the open and you will see them for who they truly are. You may not fully appreciate all the nuances, the causal elements for how they came to be that way, but you will see there is something deeply wrong and will take offense when you end up being mistreated by someone who is a hypocrite and in no position to criticize because they may well be a poorer example of what they expect from you in their own doings. Children will see through lies and misstatements of their parents because they are able to reason and have a highly keen intuitive sense of the energy behind people’s words and deeds. They will know when their parents are lying, for example. They might not appreciate why a lie is being told but they will know something is not right, and they have an innate sense of fairness and will feel it keenly if they are being mistreated or held to a higher standard than the parent themselves exhibits. That sense of right and wrong is because children are innately more in divine alignment than adults simply because they are more recently coming from the light and have not been corrupted as much in the current incarnation. There may be karmic influences arising in the very young that will throw them out of alignment and make them quite difficult to deal with, and quite a disruptive influence such that even young children can sometimes engage in criminal activity because it is such a karmic pattern for them it will be rumbling and engaging them with inner challenges and causing them to fall back on taking the easy path of covering up misdeeds with lies. But for the most part, children are more young, innocent, and trusting because they are more in alignment and it is the contrast between those expectations and their being treated shabbily by parents simply being selfish in the moment, and perhaps too demanding for their own convenience even as they visibly neglect their own lives. So children will see this and will have a strong negative emotional reaction. It might be internalized entirely but will cause great stress within them because the yearning of the soul will be seeking something more for them and for their life and put them in conflict then with the parent and the parent’s wishes. Some children will act out and may even become a problem for society if they are too abused and then seek retribution beyond the home in the wider setting of the community or the school classroom where their emotions boil over and they begin to harm others or become defiant with their teachers, and so on. Parents have a sacred duty to shepherd the young because they are guardians of their soul as an advocate for them until they are mature enough to take over that responsibility on their own. That is every bit as crucial as seeing to their personal safety so they do not run into traffic as a toddler or have access to household materials that might be poisonous, and sufficient childproofing is done so they cannot play with sharp objects or experiment with electrical sockets, and so on. That investment in being honest, fair, and respectful in maintaining a kind of balance in the relationship with their children is a critical element of parenting in order to help raise a confident and successful well-balanced child who will cope with life and thrive to become a well-adjusted and successful member of society. A hypocritical parent is one of the worst possible negative role models a child could be subjected to because it will be quite harmful in teaching many false messages about life, and will inevitably cause children to adopt inappropriate negative beliefs about themselves, their own worthiness, and the trustworthiness of adult figures, and so on.