DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlDr. Gary Schwartz of the University of Arizona has spent much of his career exploring paranormal phenomena shunned by the vast majority of his colleagues. He is the author of numerous books on paranormal topics and has conducted a number of high-profile experiments with astonishing results. It’s almost a miracle in its own right that he has avoided scandal and has managed to retain his employment as a tenured faculty member. Were his career and the careers of his close compatriots protected and facilitated by the divine realm? Why are there so few like Gary Schwartz as such open-minded academic scholars appear to be even rarer than the mediums he’s studied? What can Creator tell us?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Here, too, are the signs of manipulation and censorship done through the same means of mind control manipulation to keep the entire scientific enterprise herded like sheep within a containment, all believing in unison that the paranormal is an unproductive arena rife with falsehoods, supposition, ancient folklore that was misguided and patently ridiculous, and for any serious scientist to take any of it seriously immediately calls into question their judgment and stability. There is an active suppression of serious scientific inquiry and, in fact, many scientific studies are rigged to become unproductive—that is easy for the extraterrestrials to accomplish, so the secret keeps itself. When the rare individual comes along with profound ability, they will meet a wall of criticism, resistance to belief, scorn, and an active rejection done with vigor, and even to the point of rising to a level of personal danger if someone has the persistence and wherewithal to mount a serious challenge to the established order. You see the same thing happen in all lines of inquiry because science is constrained and manipulated on all levels for any subject of importance that could be of service to humanity, and be of material help in prolonging lifespan and increasing the quality of life. There will be an active intervention again and again and again to misdirect researchers away from productive lines of inquiry, encourage going down blind alleys, and pursue false notions that will not be productive in the end, and thus squander precious time and resources and getting little to show for it. This is no accident, it is not people are incapable of doing serious scientific inquiry and making strides, it is a question of what is allowed to happen, and this is true across the board and no different when it comes to scientists with a desire to explore the paranormal. He is one of a very few individuals who remain open-minded and uncorrupted. That is a rare gift in and of itself and it is individuals of that caliber who are able to make true breakthroughs. Whether or not their work will stand and be accepted and adopted by others in the scientific community is always an open question. Many fine ideas get shelved through rejection by one's peers and by the gatekeepers controlling what gets published, what gets funded, and so on, so it is always an open question about how far a researcher will get in pursuing truth before they are blocked or even discredited and can no longer pursue their dreams.