DWQA QuestionsCategory: KarmaHow much “karma” is playing into the immigration drama? Sweden has been one of the most aggressive importers of refugees. Could this be a collective attempt on their part to balance the karma from their Viking legacy of rape and pillage?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This is in karmic alignment in a rough sense because of the correspondence here of the history of the Vikings pillaging other lands and returning with the spoils to enrich themselves. So to have an influx of people impoverished from other lands, and in being forced to share more and more of what they own, the Swedish people are seemingly doing a compensatory re-leveling of debts. The flaw in this theory is that the immigrants are not from the pillaged regions, and so this would be indirect at best, and while that is not necessary to fulfill karma, the fulfillment of karma is most effective and efficient when done through the original victims and perpetrators both. This is not an absolute requirement but is more typical of large-scale restoration of balance, except when circumstances do not allow this to happen. The second flaw in the argument is that so much time has intervened, those individuals present in the geographic region corresponding to the land of the Vikings are no longer a predominance of the original Vikings who were responsible for much carnage with their aggressive ways. Some are ancestors, but not through reincarnation of themselves but through an intermixing with the broader base of humanity, and then subsequent offspring. So there are some Viking ancestors present in this country, but it is a small percentage overall. This is a different type of karma in action, and is one more of new karma being created by the influence of interlopers despoiling the Middle East directly and indirectly, and this is starting a new sequence of karmic events only loosely related to the past. There are times when a new source of karmic event serves to satisfy old business done at the hands of others, or to others, but on a large scale the parallel you draw does not truly apply. There will be some individuals for whom karmic restoration becomes possible, but it’s not true of the enterprise as a whole being the cause or the means for the karmic events to unfold.