DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Genetic ManipulationsIf every species was created by you, why were pseudo-genes created, which appear to serve no purpose?
Nicola Staff asked 4 years ago
The keyword in your question is "appear." This you have learned to use with wisdom and to great advantage. Most scientific questions are built on fallacies and ignorant interpretation of information gleaned through imperfect methods and, at best, giving only a partial view of the way things work. This is true more than not with respect to molecular biology, the level of understanding and sophisticated appreciation of how genetic forces are orchestrated, the makeup of the genome itself, and the reasons for why it is organized the way it is, and the many odd‑seeming imperfections. This is due to many factors—the first of these is that the genome has been heavily manipulated in a purposeful way by the extraterrestrial overseers who are influencing humanity all the time. They do this indirectly via mind control manipulation and more directly by energetic perturbation as well as programming subliminally. The chapter on the pseudo-genes is being unraveled currently, so this is older thinking that has been outmoded, even by current science, so we would refer you to do some scholarship here and catch up with current thinking and then, if you like, return with a question built on the newer observations and insights. You will see that, as always happens, the evolution of ideas takes care of most problems eventually. When it does not, that is usually because there is a manipulation in place to prevent progress in thinking about a problem. There is a logical reason for the existence of the so-called pseudo-genes. It is not so different than the issue of the Junk DNA looked at quizzically by molecular biologists for many years pondering why there is so much useless junk in the genome, but it has turned out to be the case that this genetic material does have function and is actually a very intricate control system for gene expression, so there are still many things to learn here and you are far from close to understanding genetics of the human being.