DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial InterlopersIs it helpful to tell them about Morgellons?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
It is best to not mention the word Morgellons to the family because this is still so controversial they may end up concluding you are unreliable as a source of information, being perhaps too outside the box if not unhinged. It does not serve them to know this designation because no one she deals with in the mainstream will accept the notion, and there will be a casting of aspersions on the parents for coming up with such a bizarre idea, and in the absence of tangible evidence of an actual infectious agent there may even be suspicions arise about the parents surreptitiously doing harm themselves in some way. So this would be best to avoid the specifics. There is truth in stating it is an extraterrestrial organisms resistant to current antibiotic therapies. That is really all they need to know. This will help them continue to rely on the divine realm for support, and when they see this happening, this may be a silver lining, so to speak, and helping to build their greater faith when we save their son.