DWQA QuestionsCategory: Coronavirus COVID-19Is there a significant danger to COVID-19 patients receiving antibody-containing plasma infusions from recovered victims, of acquiring latent cancer-causing viruses, like SV40? If so, can you put this in perspective in terms of relative benefits and risks?
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
The likelihood of acquiring a similar infection through transfused plasma is actually quite low because these viruses are latent and will not be circulating in most individuals unless there is active disease underway that is causing release of additional viruses into the circulation. Even if there is exposure, it will not guarantee that an individual will succumb to an illness as a result. The viruses must find a safe harbor and become sequestered so they are not cleared from the tissues and then build in numbers. This takes time and is not a guarantee to bring about an active cancer. On the other hand, the antibody effectiveness will be modest, but on balance the possibility of having an unpleasant COVID-19 illness, at a minimum, from exposure and the uncertainty of recovery would argue for using this stopgap measure if nothing better is available—that is a separate question. As long as known and effective treatments are being ignored, this might be the next best thing. So people are currently at the mercy of the medical establishment as to what will be supported and what will not, what will be promoted tirelessly and what will be condemned incorrectly in order to deny relief to those in need.