DWQA QuestionsCategory: Animal IssuesIs this dog’s health problem a consequence of my client’s own struggle, which the dog is likely trying to help with? Is there more I can do?
Nicola Staff asked 5 years ago
This does add further burdens on the animal’s well-being, as it very much wants to heal her and is constantly thwarted by her continued dark mood and rigid beliefs in herself being doomed. In addition, as you saw during the Protocol session for the dog, there was a lost soul spirit attachment, and this represented a healing burden as well, so the animal has more than it can handle on its plate so to speak and this is adding more difficulty to the situation. Now that the spirit has been cleared successfully, it will be much easier for the dog to right the ship, so to speak, and regain its usual buoyancy and vigor and this will be apparent now and will be a source of great relief. There is nothing more needed on your part at this time. That, of course, can change with the ups and downs of life, but you have done well by her for now.