DWQA QuestionsCategory: Healing ModalitiesIs what [name withheld] exhibits with her consciously held negative self-limiting beliefs a good example of the power of consciously held beliefs? Is there anything you can further add about helping her resolve this?
Karen Gore Staff asked 6 years ago
She is a perfect example of what this phenomenon can do and its power over the person, to limit them and hold them down. But as we have already told you before, this will ultimately yield to ThetaHealing when the inner strength is gained from the work you do on multiple fronts using the Lightworker Healing Protocol applications, the Holographic Memory Resolution work done with her by phone, and subconscious channeling of the deep recesses of her mind below her conscious awareness. All are contributing to move in this direction and the ultimate end result will allow healing the stuck mindset as well. As usual, your requests to us to assist will always be heard and we will respond to amplify your efforts. This is available to all healers with all the work they do.