DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsIs your predicted collapse of cryptocurrencies as being a Ponzi scheme starting in earnest in order to redeploy capital by the interlopers and their alien bloodline?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is the first of a series of such shocks to the system, so to speak, you will see develop. We have told you some time ago that Bitcoin and the other cryptocurrencies are indeed a Ponzi scheme, having no inherent value other than belief they do, which is not a logical foundation at all to base one's finances on with any sense of security and safety, but rather being out on a limb in which growth depends on more and more people being duped to invest similarly and have that drive the value up, as a result, to reward those already invested. When there is a reversal, to the downside, those buying in at lofty valuations will lose their shirts and others who started early along will see a vast fortune evaporate. Whether they get their original investment back or not, they will be left traumatized, and that is the point of it. It is intended to be a deception that draws in and dupes as many as possible and to rob them of their fortune if they can along the way, and leave people impoverished and in a state of despair. And all the while, they will be enriching the alien bloodline who are the first hogs at the trough and have already made their money, in the billions, and have been cashing out all year with the drawdowns that are seen as just "normal market correction action," and the gullible are still being encouraged to pour money in with each new dip thinking it will be the bottom and they are perfectly positioned to make fortunes like others before them have, but this is an extremely risky time to invest because everything could come apart fairly soon. We cannot predict the timing and the extent of the collapse. After all, humans are unpredictable in the final analysis; if enough people choose to keep hope alive, they can prop up some of the cryptocurrencies to some degree for an extended period, so time will tell how things go, but we can tell you the majority of investors will lose and lose big.