DWQA QuestionsCategory: Human PotentialLionel Shriver wrote: “A lot of people get so hung up on what they can’t have that they don’t think for a second about whether they really want it.” What is Creator’s perspective?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
This is an interesting description of what happens when people live their lives with superficial thinking, and this is common in the young who are often reacting primarily to peer pressure, along with parental expectations, and have not yet developed wisdom to understand what is truly important and will be thinking about superficial characteristics, the trappings, the accoutrements of seeming success, the status symbols, the characteristics enjoyed by those who are seen as being popular and are emulated by their peers. When people reach an older age and begin to develop wisdom, as a consequence of having more life experience, they may look back on their earlier days with some chagrin and amusement about what they thought was important, or was seen as being cool or hip. And the stories are legion of school reunions that reveal the most popular members of a class might have turned out having very ordinary or even mediocre lives, but simply were possessed of superficial characteristics that made them the envy of others, because no one in the peer group was looking at deeper issues and concerns, but only on the surface of things like who was more attractive, who was the best athlete, and so on. What this points to is the wisdom of seeking and appreciating wisdom as a life goal. It is wisdom that is a measure of when you have truly arrived with respect to accomplishments of significance. If you are rich but foolish and in a state of ignorance, your money will likely be misapplied on foolish things that are wasteful and unsatisfying. In effect, your wealth does not raise you up or further your interests, as one might expect, but will ultimately add to disappointment and even suffering if it is squandered and becomes a source of greater failure, because there is so much more to lose, and will be felt keenly. Wisdom is hard-won, and that is true across the board, with respect to all of the accoutrements of true success which is surmounting and becoming enriched through life experience to do things more effectively while more in alignment, meaning that you are an asset to yourself as well as others, living a life in balance to help yourself as well as others advance through the giving and receipt of love. That requires true spiritual alignment in a world where most are self-serving and will as likely take advantage of others as assist them. Many live an entire lifetime with little positive growth in things that matter and, indeed, many lifetimes are a setback with a net loss overall through falling behind because the soul is not being served.