DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Mind ControlMattias Desmet, a professor of clinical psychology at Ghent University in Belgium, uses the term mass formation psychosis to describe the power of authoritarian leaders to control their citizens when a significant percentage embrace a common ideology that replaces reason. Premier examples he points to are Nazi Germany and Soviet Russia under Stalin’s regime. He has been widely criticized and his ideas dismissed by authorities who see it as only a metaphorical description without a biological basis in fact. Is Desmet correct in his observations, that people who are led by and follow questionable leaders are often in the grip of a psychologically abnormal conformity? Is this a kind of mass delusion that is actually mind control being done by extraterrestrial controllers?
Nicola Staff asked 1 year ago
You are quite nicely rounding out the picture here for this fine thinker, who indeed has a finger on the pulse of human culture in perceiving a true dilemma, that a nation in the grip of authoritarianism displays many incongruities and inexplicable seeming behavior that in some respects is actually inhuman but not recognized as such, and that people begin to mirror that authoritarian perspective and willingly and even gleefully become devout acolytes who seek to punish those who resist and have dissenting views. This is all quite abnormal. Normal healthy people do not like to be dominated and manipulated through subjugation to obey authorities against self-interest. When that happens on a mass scale there is always a deeper story, and indeed it is mind control bringing about all such examples of collective thought, the so-called groupthink, the mass hysteria taking over a crowd so people join in to carry out wrongdoing and excessive conduct that is disruptive, undesirable, and not even in keeping with their normal behavior and personalities. The fact this is instigated by the Extraterrestrial Alliance is also the underlying reason why his ideas are quickly discounted by other authorities in the field of psychology. There is a mass mind controlled subjugation in every field of human endeavor and especially so for science, medicine, and psychology, especially. After all, this very phenomenon is the stock in trade of the interlopers and they need that secret protected. So as with many scientific controversies, confusion, disagreement, counterposing theories, and misrepresentation outright will be on display and may lead to a kind of cancel culture discrediting of someone who truly sees the truth and needs to be sidelined as a consequence. It may even reach the point where they are eliminated through a targeted killing.