DWQA QuestionsCategory: Extraterrestrial Corruption of Human InstitutionsThe “Great Reset” of capitalism proposed by the World Economic Forum advocates that the world should adopt more socialistic policies, such as wealth taxes, additional regulations, and massive Green New Deal-like government programs, such as a War on Climate Change. [Name withheld] asks: “What can you tell us about the plans for the “Great Reset” and how it will affect people around the world if in fact this happens?”
Nicola Staff asked 3 years ago
We like the makeup of your question in not characterizing this as a given. There are many movements and attempts to establish a world government, and the planning and agenda for this is being advocated with passion from many quarters, but it is not yet formalized and holding sway. The successful creation of the European Union is but the first step on this path. What the advocates of the "Great Reset" want to see happen is, in effect, a world governing body that mandates new social programs intended to promote equality and fairness for all with a redistribution of wealth and a successful conquering of all obstacles in the way of happiness, in effect, a kind of utopian existence. There are many flaws in logic here, chief among them the reality this has never been achieved and certainly not through simply changing the makeup of a governing body even with agreement for a large region to be governed. Humans are not equipped to live and act as divine beings. You are in a non-divine environment in many respects, primarily with the evil in your midst. This complicates everything and when there is, in effect, a hybrid system operating, surrendering personal sovereignty to the state, which in an ideal world would be surrendering to fairness and equality in all respects, will backfire because the past has shown quite clearly that the state given greater power and authority will be overtaken by corruption and will become totalitarian and oppressive in its governing, and so rather than have inequality of fairness and sharing, the individual will be truly powerless and can be readily victimized without any recourse. This history has shown will happen again and again with the promotion of socialist ideals. The misallocation of resources through an imperfect awareness of reality will create huge problems preventing any kind of practical approach to this state of perfection that is intended. A good example is thinking that putting the power in the hands of the state is sufficient to achieve the success of their ideas. The prioritization of things like attacking climate change show quite clearly this is an orchestration of the interlopers to push people towards a catastrophic self‑destruction by undermining sovereignty at local and regional levels and making their power and control subservient to a global authority of some kind that will not prove to be benevolent but will, in the end, be self-serving and heartless. This will be seen to by the interlopers and this is the reason for consistent failure of such ideas in the past, so we do not see this as something that represents any kind of forward progress or ideal but rather warn against it.