DWQA QuestionsCategory: Non-Local ConsciousnessWe have learned from previous channelings about the power of collective thought. We know the interlopers have a grudging respect for the power of collective human thought, as they have witnessed otherwise inexplicable results manifest in response to it. And so, we have learned, they have tried to discourage this as much as possible. They look upon prayer, and especially collective prayer, in this light while thinking the target of such prayer as non-existent nonsense. Can Creator summarize for us the power of collective thought backed by intention, but lacking the element of entreaty to the divine?
Nicola Staff asked 2 years ago
Thought done by humans alone is not without energy, and energy has within it a kind of power. Thoughts are a creation, they are an energetic creation and, as such, persist. In a sense, they are a transforming of energy through adding content in the form of information, and that becomes launched automatically as a thought for that is the process of thinking in a nutshell, the energetic creation of thoughts. It happens automatically because you are creative beings as extensions of the divine to begin with. Why should that not be the case? But as a human in physical form, your energies are heavily suppressed and attenuated with respect to intensity and reach, both. This is a deliberate choice to have the current experiment underway within an environment where you are constrained. While this reduces your ability to change things for the better, it also reduces your ability to harm things for the worse, so this is not strictly a handicap but simply a description of your current state of being. The important thing is to learn and grow despite the limitations and learn, because of them, important lessons about responsibility and the use of power, especially because you are so disconnected in the awareness of us, and are essentially on your own most of the time with respect to your perceptions and assumptions that are not necessarily true, but functionally play out that way because it is your expectation. So this is already an illustration of human thought and its consequences. Your energy of intention can be directed anywhere, but the energy it is directing will have limits. This is only natural but, as we have stated, it is limited to begin with, and that is just as well. What we are alluding to is that the energy of thought becomes much more a local phenomenon because it lacks the power of a great reach to go great distances and carry with it an important enterprise with a wherewithal to bring it about. This is akin to the difference between thinking and acting, between a daydream and a constructive purposeful enterprise conducted in the physical realm with elbow grease and skin in the game, so-called "sweat equity," but thoughts nevertheless can influence things. So being local, they, first of all, impinge on and influence the self, and that is their greatest impact, for better or for worse, as self-condemnation can be cruel and devastating and is all too frequent a consequence of human struggling, suffering, and conclusions one has failed. Human thoughts can influence others to some degree as well and we will be discussing that today, that when you launch thoughts forth, they can have an energy and momentum that finds a target and produces a consequence that is beneficial or harmful, as the case may be. Thoughts go into a repository, a collective unconscious repository; part of your mind surveys this repository on a regular basis to see how things are going in the culture, what is brewing, and look for things that match one's own ruminations, that harmonize or are in resonance, and perhaps can inform a person and be a source of inspiration, encouragement, and support. That can backfire because bad thoughts will find other people's bad thoughts and those, too, will harmonize and resonate and be self‑reinforcing. So people sharing their collective misery will lower the vibration of things working together in common cause, even though randomly and not purposefully, and nonetheless it will happen. So groups of people, through the power of their focus on something, can help to get others inspired and get moving and, in that way, change things for the better, and it is a slow and uncertain process, for the most part, but nonetheless helps with fine-tuning. So as a resource, human thoughts are better at informing than changing things; they convey knowledge and information about a circumstance more so than a force to deal with it and change things for the better, at least on their own without a physical action of some kind. This is something people struggle with mightily in differentiating the roles here of thought versus action. As you indicated in your question, what confuses the interlopers is the hidden presence of the divine that knows all human thoughts and when invited to the party, can weigh in mightily and make changes for the better that are falsely attributed somehow to "human mass consciousness" when that is only part of the story. You are simply launching the hidden power you command, being an extension of the divine and knowing God will hear you.